Saturday, April 19, 2014

Pittsburgh land bank to acquire blighted properties

Pittsburgh Land Bank Approved—With Compromises

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Bikeable Cities: Lessons from Pittsburgh


There is a hard-core community of bicyclists there, especially because Pittsburgh, with its narrow streets, steep hills and cold weather, is not as amenable to casual bikers as, say, Portland.

But! Overall density, housing near neighborhood commercial areas, and lots of college students and low-income residents make it a prime location for biking to be viable. Glad they're putting in infrastructure to support it, and that they have their own bike-friendly mayor now.

I remember voting for Bill Peduto, and I remember thinking he was one the good guys.

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

How to shelter from fallout after a nuclear attack on your city

Fascinating, and a mix of terrifying and oddly reassuring. I suppose anyone in a city or near a military base or testing zone should probably add a list of potential fallout shelters to their emergency plans.

I'll have to think about this. My basement has windows.

How to shelter from fallout after a nuclear attack on your city:

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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Why it's a good idea to stop eating shrimp

Why it's a good idea to stop eating shrimp : TreeHugger:

Alternative for people with low willpower: start by eating less, or making it a tie-breaker when choosing between 2 menu items that sound good. Sometimes saying NEVER AGAIN can be overwhelming and overall does less good when people can't stick to it, whereas saying LESS is pretty doable.

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