Thursday, January 25, 2001

So I'm sitting in the West Wing cluster, waiting for Ayako to finish up. Today was an interesting day, I would say. Busy. Started early this morning when we went to digital prototyping with our mood boards to think about making drawer pulls. We're going to make drawer pulls for Ikea boxes (which means I finally get to go there!), then have them sent out to be SRL cast (a tub of goo, a laser, and a computer -modeled topographic map of your product. Wonderful stuff). Then we make RTV molds and make 3-8 of them, depending on how many drawers we have. Sounds like fun. And, it's toxic! Woohoo!

So then we went to studio and killed a bunch of time.. I fell asleep in Bronwen's class, dammit. I was trying SO HARD not to, but I just couldn't help it. I even told her, when I helped her carry notebooks upstairs, that I hadn't meant to, and I kept thinking that I was listening and taking notes, but then I'd realize all of a sudden that my thoughts had nothing to do with class discussion. Like NOTHING. And then I'm like, oh fuck, I'm asleep. Goddamit! and I'd wake up, and say, okay, no more sleeping, I'm gonna take notes. And then it would happen again. Until she called on me and asked me something about a stakeholder, which is whoever has a financial stake in your product. Except I thought she said "steakholder", and I was trying to figure out what the fuck kinda product she was talking about.

Well anyway.

We had a 3 hour long rendering demonstration by Eric "Underlay" Anderson and the Mormon. He said some pretty funny stuff, and had weird ass ways of rendering... baby powder, pastels, wipes, and binder clips made a "big ass marker". He is a strange, strange man.

Uh... oh, then we hit the Technical Internship Exposition and whored ourselves briefly, but we ran out of time cuz we stopped to talk to Kelly Rae about yoga and levitation. All the people were nice, but it was like, "Oh, you're industrial designers! Neat! We'll just throw this resume in the trash." But we all know that they secretly envy us. Really. They do.

And then dinner, and then changing for yoga, and then yoga (super awesome totally cool experience, must repeat), then hanging out in the black chairs reading "ReadMe", then went to see "Girlfight" with Kelly Rae and "Leslie the Lesbian", or so she was named by the weird guy sitting next to us, who apparently knew her. Someone kept talking about how the girl in the movie was SO hot... a female voice. I'm not sure if it was Leslie or the two girls sitting behind us that were scared of her sexuality.

Anyway. Now I want to go beat the shit out of everyone. Well, I mean that in the nicest sense. Kick-boxing, personal trainer with a latino accent, all the goodies.

But then this guy offered me only 60 bucks for my cd-rw, when I was expecting over 100. He mentioned some sort of controller.. no idea what the fuck he was talking about. Then I look on, and some asshole is selling almost the same damn thing I am, but he/she has more information about it and obviously knows what they're doing. Plus they have some sort of controller. Still no idea what the fuck that is. So now I'm all pissed off... dammit.

I have to pee.

Sigh... so busy! tomorrow there's a color photography show at the frame, and we're going grocery shopping with Helen (oh shit, the recipes). Then I have Saturday to do 3 renderings (well, probably a lot more because I SUCK) and make a presentation for Bruce about female urinals. I need to finish painting the greek peasant sometime, or at least change his shirt a few gazillion times, and maybe make the other guy look older?? Shit. I have so much to do. Then Sunday I'm getting 3 sleeping baggers (who are my sole responsibility, my roommates have said they will take no part in it, which is smart of them), and then cook a massive dinner with Helen and Ayako. Then Monday is my meeting with the cluster lady to get a fucking job, class, the Internship thing, and doing homework for Tuesday, whatever it may be. Then Tuesday is a meeting, Kickboxing class, yoga (maybe), and something else I'm sure. Why is everything THIS WEEK?

Oh, and Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior is playing Sunday, and I would dearly love to go see it. Fucking kick ass movie.

Speaking of which (my mood improves as I remember this), I found a picture of Wolverine from the movie yesterday while I was doing my moodboard. Now it's up at my studio desk along with David Duchovny (who has lost his spark for me, somehow) and the badass picture of Gary Oldman with makeup like he's in A Clockwork Orange.

I need to read some of those old teen angst novels again. I rarely listen to my hard rock cds anymore. Something iconoclastic. Maybe it was reading about how Asheville was turning into the hippie capital of the US - but it may not be anymore, since at least one major publishing house decided not to move there because of the mass organized prayers at football games to protest the rules against prayer in the schools (hey, that rhymed!)

If I wasn't so worried about offending people, I'd place a sign on my desk that says, "Beware of God". I know, I know, it's a bumper sticker or something, but I think it's cool. At the same time, though, I want that Jesus watch. Heh heh heh. A picture of Jesus, glowing, with "jesus" written in cursive below it. The 12 apostles written around the 12 numbers. On the back, a raised crucifix, so if you strap it on too tight, you get an imprint of Jesus dying on the cross indented in your wrist. Rock. Just fucking rock.

Dammit, I have to pee.

La la la, killing time, killing time.... lalalalalallalala.
Woohoo! bye.

Monday, January 22, 2001

Well, I can't believe I'm actually here at home. I finished my drawings early! Well, early being before 6 am or later. It's only because I worked on them all weekend, instead of waiting until today to start. Of course, it took me 4 times longer than everyone else, too. So that kind of sucks...

I got speakers! Altec-Lansing 3 piece with Subwoofer... BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. Makes me very happy. Yay. I am now playing my music very softly. I can't wait until I'm home alone again and can blast Tom's Diner loud enough to make the windows rattle. Yesssss! Ha.

Made spaghetti with tomato sauce, mushrooms & black olives. Very exciting night tonight. Well, I'm excited because I can sleep. Actually sleep, and there's nothing I have to worry about doing tomorrow. Woohoo!

I think I'm going to go to bed early tonight, and have pleasant dreams about Wolverine and priests. Mmmmmmm. Corruption and adamantium.

Speaking of which, one of these nights I'm going to watch Xmen, dammit. I saw 2 movies this weekend, one of which I could have happily not seen - Meet the Parents. stupid movie. Too many coincidences and embarassing moments. not nearly as funny as There's something about mary, but it was trying to be, kind of. But this was too realistic, and it just came off as uncomfortable and unfunny.

Good movie of the weekend: Almost Famous. Saw it alone because Ayako was too busy. Fuckin' rocked. I mean ROCKED. Great music, acting, costumes ;), etc. etc. Made me feel ... uplifted. Fuck yeah.

May I randomly say that I must give snaps to the ancient Greeks for coming up with such cool fashion using only a square/rectangular piece of fabric? I saw a diagram today.. just take a big sheet, fold over 1/3 of it longways. Then fold that in half around you, and pin it together at the shoulders. Use a longer sheet if you're female. Cool shit.

I like men in skirts... Gladiator, Rob Roy, Braveheart, Kiltie band... more men should wear dresses. Kurt Cobain looked damn sexy when he wore that little white thing in the "In Bloom" video. One of my favorites, and not just because Kurt wore a dress.
I'm not saying that *all* men should wear dresses. And there's a certain kind.. wedding dresses, for instance, are a no-no. But something light, simple, flowing, kinda flimsy... that's the stuff. Like Cary Grant in bringing up baby, where he wears the flimsy robe with the fluffy rings on the sleeves. Woooo!

Hmm... Wolverine in a dress?

Heh heh heh.... good night!

Thursday, January 18, 2001

There we go. Now this thing is up and working! Woohoo.

So I guess I'll just make this a diary, considering that I don't have much else to talk about. And since there's not too much interesting happening in my life, ever, it'll be pretty boring. But it will give me something to do while I'm waiting for stuff to happen.
Dammit, where is Laura? I wanna hit Mad Mex, and it's after 11 so it's half price! Food I can afford. Yay.

Uhhh.... I should be working on my Solidworks right now. 3D Computer Aided Modeling/Drafting program. Very annoying error messages which are not helpful at all. I'm making a free-standing coat hanger thingy right now. Looks kinda strange. I'd put a picture up but I'm too lazy to find the zip disk.

Yeah, so my new favorite song is Baby did a bad bad thing by Chris Isaak. You know, the song from "Eyes wide shut"? And Chris Isaak is the guy who rolls around on the beach with some supermodel in one of his videos. Anyway, it's a kickass song, so I think. Thank god for napster, is all I can say. ;)

Sigh... if Laura doesn't call soon, we're leaving her. If I'm going to be wasting 2 hours tonight, I want to do it watching X-Men. I got it for christmas and I haven't even opened it yet. I have *got* to get around to making a webpage about how sexy Wolverine is. But I need to find some better pictures on the web... I'm guessing Marvel has a pretty tight hold on that kind of stuff. Damn. Maybe I'll get into comic books... like I can afford any sort of habit that doesn't involve stealing. Hey! There we go....

I'm supposed to be putting a new skin on a peasant model for Hubris: Children of Promethus. It's a new video game I'm working on with a student-run start up named Demiurge Studios. There's a whole debate going on about Hubris. Personally, I'm not incredibly fond of it, since no one knows what it means or how to pronounce it (or at least not too many people outside this school.) I like Children of Prometheus, though. I was always interested in Greek myths, and I read them voraciously (sp?) in 2nd grade. Prometheus was always kind of a neat tale, except the part about the eagle or whatever pecking his eyes out for eternity. But the symbolism of constantly hauling a boulder up a mountain, only to have it fall back down (that is the story, right? Or am I making that up?) is very potent. For those who don't know, like me 3 weeks ago, Hubris means arrogance. The arrogant part is that mortals stole the magic of immortality from the gods, I think. Which is kind of cool, and for anything in a Greek theme we can do a logo carved in stone and replace the U with a V, which is always kind of cool, so Hubris gets bonus points for that. But other than that, it sounds like a disease. But then, I think everything sounds like a disease.

mmmmmmmmmmmmm gettin' hungry. Want a cheap red velvet burrito. Dammit, Laura, where are you?? Probably sleeping or something equally silly. (Ahem.)

Have to do 24 sketches of tape dispensers by Monday (don't ask). Also have to decide if I'm going to redesign the female urinal, and if so, how do I do documentation and user testing? (really don't ask) MMmm... also must prevent lustful thoughts from prompting me to kidnap various men on campus (really, really don't ask)

But seriously, don't you love short, muscled guys? I'm kind of a big girl, so it would look weird, but it just gives me this caveman type feeling. I just want to knock them over the head with something and carry them off over my shoulder. They're just so cute and pocket sized.


I hope no one I know reads this. I would be very embarassed. But for some reason I have the inclination to post private and demented thoughts online. I don't know if it's exhibitionism, a cry for help, purging, or the fact that the part about the internet I enjoy most is reading other people's private and demented thoughts. So I'm doing this for your entertainment, whoever you are. Really.

Sigh. Well, I'm starting to get Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, so I suppose I should sign off and worry about how much private information is on here. Oh well. I can always say I was making it up to see if anyone reads it. Or something equally inane.

Woohoo! Laura's online! Off to dark, smoky, loud mad mex it is.

Another exciting chapter of randomness will arrive --- sometime.
Hellooo, is this thing on?