Saturday, April 28, 2001

I haven't written on this thing for a LONG time. Mainly because I feel guilty about doing something nonproductive to waste my time. Also because I'm getting freaking sick of being in the cluster, especially since I have to be here 3 hours a week to work. Yes, I'm a CCon now. That means if you're rude to me or don't take your food outside, I can call the police on your ass. haha.

Ughhh... working on Bruce's project. The Virtual restroom. Yes, I'm strange.

My drawer pulls are coming along pretty well... got to see the SLA part, that was really cool. Big tub o goo, and a little bright green "laser" going over it so fast that the dot looked like a line.... then the RTV (room temperature vulcanizing) silicon rubber mold of it. Baby blue, and very squishy rubbery texture. I had 3 perfect molds, and then I cut a jig so I could drill the holes in my drawers correctly (and messed up EVERY TIME I did anything). So I put one of the pulls in the jig to make sure it fit, and when I went to pull it out, I snapped part of it off. genius. pure fucking genius. I glued it back on with superglue and all should be well, but I shot an extra one just in case. Yay toxic room of death, there are so many things in there that can kill you or deform your future children. Wheee.

Trying desperately to make it to San Francisco this summer. I've given up on design firms. None of them have any work or any money or any need for interns, and no one is ever, EVER at their desks. Well, that goes for everyone. Now I'm trying to work something out with the National Park Service for a couple of days a week, volunteering but doing a design related project, and do stupid temp work the other few days. But hell, if it gets me to Cali, who gives a shit?

I'm sure this is all very exciting to the other people reading this.. oh wait, no one else reads this, do they? Heheh.

I'm making money illegally... I buy CDs and use my dad's discount online, get 400 cd-rs for 80 bucks including shipping, and sell them at school for 35 cents a piece (that would be 140 dollars, 60 bucks profit) yeah baby. Freaky freaks pick them up from my studio, it's entertaining for all.

Don't know why the fuck I'm so tired. Ayako keeps suggesting that I'm pregnant (apparently if any college female feels ill, health services think she's pregnant), but I'm pretty sure that I'm safe from that, considering I've never gotten passed kissing a guy... well, he kissed me, I just sat still and thought about how it was overrated... although I could be carrying the antichrist or something. But I doubt it. I think I've just lost all work ethic, and don't care if my shit gets done. Wanna go home and sleep. :P

My succotash wish....

Uh so yeah, I just realized I don't have a whole hell of a lot to say. Oh, besides the fact that my dad has cancer. He's 53 years old, and they found out in the beginning of march that he had a lump in his pancreas, that could be nothing but cancer... they went in and took it out (which is good, because there was only a 1 in 4 chance that they could do that), and found out that yes, it was in fact cancer, but some sort of weird rare kind (of course) and they don't know how it's going to act. It had spread somewhat, within the part they took out, but they didn't see any anywhere else, but considering that it takes like 6 million cancer cells to be detectable, and it only takes 1 cell to start... well, anyway, my dad's friend emails all of our friends and family with updates, and the latest email said that my dad had seen an oncologist (cancer specialist) and is going to start chemo and radiation. apparently not the hardcore, makes your hair fall out and leaves you miserable kind, but shit, it's still chemo.. anyway, I try not to think about it all that much. no point.

I want to be a Charlie's Angel.

Fuck me, I've got to go switch computers. I don't want to. I'm all set up here, got all my programs open... except, of course, the one I need, the only one that's not on this fucking computer. Goddamn. I should file a softmaint. grr.

oohh..... an open computer right next to me... bwahhaha....let's see if it has DeepPaint...

I so want to go to the BVW presentation this year.. but it's 2 days before a presentation, then a project, then a paper are due... but someone's doing the muppet show!!! Virtual muppets!!! ahahhhhhh!!! rock on, I love the muppets. fucking a, that big monster guy is the best.

score! computer #2 has deeppaint.. time to transfer

I'll probably see you next in San Francisco...
oh, note to all, find the punk cover band Me First and the Gimme Gimme's.... they do a cover of "If you're going to San francisco", Cat Steven's Wild world, and patsy cline's Stand by your man --- PUNK style!!! rock.