Friday, March 29, 2002

Hells yeah. Everyone knows Krispy Kreme is the BOMB! Even crackheads.
That was good. I suddenly heard loud music playing outside, and I went to go kneel on a chair and peer out the window to see where it was coming from - instead I knocked the chair with my knee and tipped it back. I put my foot back down to catch the chair, when it came crashing down on my toe. Stylish.

Plans for the night are cancelled. I almost feel like I can only have a social life if I don't talk about it - like how you're not supposed to tell anyone you're pregnant for the first few months, because it's bad luck. I go around telling everyone that we're going out tonight, but Joanne is too tired, so I'm staying home with mom and making pizza. Not that I blame her at all - you're tired, you're tired. Believe me, I understand. It's just - sigh. Sometimes I want to throttle myself, when I let the entire day go by and get nothing at all done. I'm sure you agree...
Y'know, I knew I used ellipses (...) a lot, but... ahh, it's a sickness! I was messing around with blogger, and decided to search for all posts containing one. Somewhere in the middle I may or may not have skipped ten, but I had either 65 or 75 posts with at least one (usually more) ellipsis. Is that not insane?

I always wonder - are these the annoying things that people hate about me, or the cute little personality traits that are just me, and what make me interesting?

I guess it depends on who's watching.

I just had the sudden urge just then to rent Eye of the Beholder. Mmmm... Ewan McGregor fetish, and sick psycho lovin'. Yay.

Wow. Strolling around IMDB, I realize that I really need to see Moulin Rouge. Ewan McGregor, *and* Nicole Kidman (I am so rooting for her. Tom Cruise is an ass.), and Kylie Minogue (I still like that song), and Ozzy Osbourne (!) and a character whose name means Mrs. Cheese in French. Classic. And I *thought* that was Jim Broadbent behind the orange goatee. Sarah told me I was wrong, but I am RIGHT! Ha ha. Neener neener boo boo.
I had another dream about the president last night. He was doing some kind of tribute, and I was on stage with all these other people, and I was sort of confused about why - then I realized it probably had to do something with losing my dad to cancer, because all the other people (the one with speaking parts) were widows. It was a really strange tribute, I recall something about throwing various objects into a giant hole. Whatever. The part I do remember is that I was violently attracted to ol' G.W.

And I think we were somewhere in the midwest.

Why can't I have happy dreams? Why?

Maybe it was the beer.
Woohoo! I love free money.

See, I've been really broke since Spring Break. In debt, actually. Well, and I still am, but.. anyway, we covered the overdraft on my BofA account so I had an extra <$5.00 in there (still in debt on Wachovia). So... I blew the extra 10 dollars of cash I had left over on an overpriced Snapple at Qdoba and an excellent pizza at Champs Americana. I had to pay 9 dollars off the tab (one dollar of which was in change - classy) and put 1.97 on my card, to which I added 2.03, leaving me with a grand total of 36 cents in my account. Wheee.

So Joanne called me up last night around 6 or so and said do you want to go drinking with me and Chi (friend from UNC) and Andrew (previously met friend at CPCC), and I said well I have nothing else to do so sure yay. (Hyper this morning, can ya tell?) Then about an hour later I realize that I have no money to pay for said drinks, and mom has been off at tennis something for hours. I wait until quarter to 9, watch friends, eat spaghetti, take a shower (not in that order), and Joanne comes along with Chi (I'm assuming that's the correct spelling) and still no mom and no money. Soooo Joanne is to be my sugar mama for the evening, and I'll pay her back with mom's cash. Because! Oh, I forgot to mention. I'm going to be Lisa's apprentice, at least for the grand masterpiece of painting my mom's bathroom like a tuscan stone wall (with sky and clouds on the ceiling - how adorable is that?), and thus earning my keep by saving mom oh, 2500 bucks by doing most of the work myself while Lisa just .. directs. But still, it wouldn't happen without her, so I think a grand is still an okay deal.

So Joanne, Chi, and me go to Southend Brewery, and wait on Andrew... and wait, and wait, and wait. Finally, he calls Joanne's cell phone (while we were in the middle of a heated debate about the nation's current nuclear defense strategy) and tells her that his first ever nude painting class was so enjoyable that he didn't realize the time because the clock was broken. Heh. So he shows up like 5 minutes later and we all have a round of drinks (except Chi, who I guess for whatever reason didn't feel like drinking. Or maybe he gave it up for Lent? I dunno if he's a Christian-type person or not...*shrug*). We discuss all important subjects like sexually explicit commercials, the Osbournes, and distributing urine over the internet. A good time was had by all, and we plan to go out again tonight.

Andrew actually ended up being my sugar daddy and paid for our drinks. So I got 20 bucks today from mom before she left, and was overall believing that I *had* to have some extra money *somewhere* that I should just be able to find. And guess what?

I found it.

Today, by federal law, PayPal reminded me that my statement was available online. I recalled that I had at least 30 bucks waiting for me from one of my shady CD-R re-sell deals (shhhh!), so I went to check out my balance. And woah baby! I had over 100 bucks in there! Free money!!!

It'll take a few days to verify my bank account, and another few days to transfer the funds, but hey - free money is free money. I love it when stuff happens just as it should. :)

Tuesday, March 26, 2002

Today was a day of indulgence. I did very few things on my to-do list, and a lot of stupid stuff instead. Mom 'woke me up' at 9:30 - yeah right. I rolled out of bed at quarter to twelve, feeling all messed up because I'd been only partially asleep the whole time, knowing I was supposed to get up but simply not having the desire to do so. I ate more than I should have, although not really a lot, and sat down to watch my Mythology videos. Productivity Tip #125 - when feeling especially unproductive, do *not* turn on the television, no matter what. While the tape was rewinding I flipped through some channels (old tape, long time to rewind). I noticed a weird movie on Women's Entertainment. I hit info on the little cable remote thingy, and there I see that Serpent's Kiss is not only a period piece with Pete Postelthwaite (I like him), it has... Ewan McGregor. Oh dear. There went two hours of drooling... And feeling as sumptuous and sensuous as the cloying scent of an English garden, heightened by the sudden onslaught of a thunderstorm, I took one of the more enjoyable showers I've ever experienced, reveling in the scent of my body wash. Don't think anything dirty, I was daydreaming of my future house/apartment. I want a vine of moonflowers covering my bathroom window. At least, today I do. After I got out of the shower and got dressed, I dozed (again) on my bed, listening to PJ Harvey.

There were a couple of big lightening strikes, so I went to check on my cat, and he was right outside my door, although now he's disappeared. Probably went back to sleep, since the storm went away. And I did one of my c++ labs. It was so ridiculously easy, for a while I didn't feel very much behind. Then I looked at my next lab... I really need to do something about this low energy thing I have. I know that it runs in the family, but really. This is getting absurd.

I think today was especially bad due to being woken up early, the darkness of the sky, the rain, the movie, and possibly some sort of hormone thing. I dunno. Anyway, we're going over to Brad and Whitney's for drinks, take them a wedding present, and see their new house at 7:30. I'm really not looking forward to it. That's more of Sarah's thing. I really don't care what their house looks like, I don't like wedding presents and I don't feel like drinking. I also don't know Brad and Whitney that well, although they're very nice. I mean, I've known Brad since forever, but I never really *knew* him. Whatever. At least they don't have any kids yet.

I wonder if I'll ever have kids... that would be pretty scary, wouldn't it?

Saturday, March 23, 2002

Well, one lab down, 5 to go.... and the makeup lab... whatever.

Caron and I talked out almost everything, so now I know why she did what she did, and said what she said, and, I hope, vice versa. We'll see, cuz she's either already here or on her way down here for us to go out to dinner. Oh, that reminds me, I should call Andrew... but I don't know where we're going yet. So I guess I'll call Joanne, and get Andrew's number. He's a nice guy, hopefully he won't get creeped out by me calling him up out of the blue. But I saw him the other day walking by my ceramics studio. Pure luck, that I was in that room, on that day, at that time, *and* happened to be looking out the window for the 30 or so seconds that he happened to walk by. Strange.

And I talked with Ayako - poor thing. She and Dave just broke it off, or ... well, I guess that's a correct enough term. They downgraded back to friendship, at any rate. But Dave's been somewhat of an ass to her, friendwise, so I guess we'll see how that goes. I have done nothing today except talk on the phone, wander around the country lost as hell, and done one lab. And blog, blog, blog. Woohoo! Wow, it feels like it's been longer than 8 hours since I woke up... anyway.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates! (snort)
Goddamn, my programming teacher is all about some friggin mathmatics. Perfect numbers, rational numbers, triangles, etc. How about some *real life* programs, buddy? Bookstore inventory, or a calendar, or a directory listing for a company, or something like that? Why does it all have to be MATH? Math wasn't a prerequisite. WTF? This is why I didn't take programming 212 because it required me taking a math course. I see why, if this is all he's going to have us do. Ugh. Boooooring. I hate math. I HATE math. Have us do something useful! (Don't tell me math is useful. It's not. Except for basic math and occasionally some basic algebra and geometry, that's it. I never use calculus or any of that crap, EVER. It's a good thing, too, cuz I don't know how. ;)
I guess you know that you did something right if it feels like it's always been there... like, if there was a major change, but it doesn't feel at all different, and it's almost expected.

When I walk into my room now and see my bluish-purple walls, it seems like it's finally right, and it isn't jarring at all. Or when I cut my hair last year, it should have felt really strange. I cut almost a foot and a half of hair off, and my hair hasn't been that short since I was a baby, but it didn't feel weird, it felt... right.

I hope all of my changes go that well.
Woah, I was just closing down all my windows, y'know, to start programming, and I checked what my .plan was in my cgi-bin finger file to see how it looked in a big window. (don't ask...) And it was that quote I'd posted earlier from Sarah about Dick Cheney taking off his human suit and revealing that he was actually a giant alien lizard. And as soon as I'd read that, I realized I'd had a dream sometime recently that George W. had been killed and Dick Cheney was actually president, which was frightening. I remember thinking, in the dream, that I'd better take that quote off of my .plan because I might get in trouble....

Weird. Just... weird.
Y'know what I hate about repairmen? Or at least about the ones that seem to be coming to my house this week - I always need to do something in the 3 hour window they give. I would rather they just call between jobs and say, 'I can come over now or after my next job, which do you prefer?' And that way, I could take a friggin SHOWER. But no, they say from 12 - 2, and my mom wakes me up at 11:45 and rattles off all the stuff I need to tell them while I'm still half asleep (I know, I know, but hey, I'm 21. What do you expect?). So then I have 10 minutes, and then they might show up while I'm in the shower, and if I'm not there to answer the door then they'll leave and we'll have to reschedule for 2 weeks from now, when it'll happen all over again. So I just have to answer the door in my nastiness and hope they're not attractive (like the hot washer delivery man. Well, not hot, but cute. And there I am in yesterday's clothes, unwashed hair and glasses. Yech).

I suppose getting out of my robe first would be a good thing, though. Although Sarah's supposed to come over around 2:30 and take me out to the cemetary to plant tulips around the bench. What am I saying, she won't be here until at least 3, maybe 4. This *is* Sarah, after all.

I need a job. And a summer internship. But I can't get a job until I find out if Lisa is going to hire me to do handpainted stuff, and I can't get a summer internship until I update my portfolio. I can't update my portfolio until I find out if the project is finished. I can't find out if my project is finished until someone from GGNRA calls/emails me back. They won't call or email me back until at least Monday, and that's a big IF.

So I should do homework. I really really should do homework because I have 2 tests coming up soon and I think I'm at least 50% behind on one of them (100% on the other). Online classes are not good for me. Argh.

Oh, and the drawing homework, and the makeup drawing homework...

OK, I'm shutting up now and doing a c++ lab. I mean it.
So I asked Ayako what kind of soymilk I should get, since the Vanilla Silk isn't working well. I thought I should post her reply in case there happens to be anyone else wondering the same question...

Subject: god, i never knew i knew this much about milk alternatives.

well, i do think it's more a matter of preference than anything. personally, i like Silk - chocolate was especially surprising for me since it didn't even taste like soymilk to me. the vanilla did more, but i still liked it. (btw, whenever they say 'vanilla flavour' for soymilk, i've never understood it b/c it never actually tastes like vanilla, no matter the brand. but anyway, it's not like i'm the vanilla expert here... i don't mind the taste that it *is*, anyway...)

anyhoot, when my mom came up, she brought me 20 boxes of Westsoy, 2% fat, unsweetened. it's not bad, but you probably won't like that kind. i just use it in place of milk, and have gone through them really fast. last week, i tried westsoy light (i also bought the vanilla version of westsoy light but have yet to open it. i'll update you on that later when i do.) i bought them primarily b/c they were cheaper than anything else, and they were also low fat or whatever "light" was referring to. and it was pretty decent! now i might just get that kind by the case b/c east end would give me 20% off then. yay. anyway, the other kind/brand that i have tried most recently is Vitasoy, per lauren's suggestion. she thinks that it is even better than Silk. i tried the vanilla, but for me, it's a bit too candy-like and i think i might go back to Silk or the other types. however, that may just be right up your alley. ;) it boasts that it's won the best taste award, so it may be your best bet. the other type i have tried in the past is Edensoy vanilla. this was originally planted in my head by Mousumi freshman year, if you remember her. actually, that was the brand and flavour that started it all, my history of soymilk testing and drinking. anyway, Edensoy vanilla's taste may be just what you mean by "nutty" though, i don't know. btw, as a general note, all these brands use organic soybeans, i believe. also, the advantage that westsoy and edensoy have over vitasoy and silk is that they are like parmalat and don't perish, though i believe vitasoy does have non-perishable types as well.

as for Rice Dream (i'm assuming that's the brand you meant - if it's anything else, then don't quote me b/c i have only tried rice dream), i have tried, again, the vanilla. it is very light, has this beautiful pearly colour that my brother pointed out. it tastes like rice, literally. as the package claims, i can imagine how ppl who have trouble with the taste of soymilk opt for rice dream b/c it has less of that 'particular' flavour, if you know what i mean. i just don't remember it being as nutritious as soymilk is. oh well, there is always a catch. but i'm sure it's better than milk for you, and if you can drink it easier than soymilk, then yay. when i was in VT, i finally found rice dream vanilla (i have been craving it for months but of course g'eagle doesn't carry it. that's why they need to have more A&P's around here.) so i was drinking it, and lex's mom tried it and said that she has trouble with soymilk sometimes, but rice dream, she would actually go and buy. yah, so you can give that a shot too.

Wednesday, March 20, 2002


Wow, I've been busy. Where to start? I guess I'll work backwards. Our house is being painted and it looks really cool. I never realized before how... boring it was. Now most of the inside is either a very light or medium sage green that looks nice against the white trim. My mom's bedroom is medium purple, the guest room is a light butter yellow and my room - well, it was supposed to be periwinkle but it turned out more lilac. Close enough.

I've recently become addicted to Man of Constant Sorrow. I really need to read the Odyssey and watch O Brother, Where Art Thou? again, so I actually, like, get it this time.

Lessee - was a complete and utter lazy ass yesterday. Need desperately to find a job.

Spring Break was .. interesting. A mixture of really cool, okay, and really, really bad. It started off with the godawful 12 hour drive, then I had to overdraft my check card because Extended Stay America said I didn't give them a credit card number (I gave them a check card, whatever). But we got it, and it was good - best deal around for Spring Break. $200/person for a week?? And it was quite nice, except for having to share a queen bed.

So we got there, went over to John's (surprisingly homey and nice) trailer and hung out playing cards until all hours. I think we played Rummy 500... Finally, when Caron & I were about to fall over, we went home and slept until like 2 the next day. Went over to John's again to hang out, went to the beach with Kelly (male roomie #1) and ate at Sloppy Joe's, where he cooks. Never actually set foot on the sand. Tried to actually do touristy stuff the next day, didn't happen, ended up hanging out at John's again. I think the next day we went to Miami, looked around U of Miami (nice campus), and toured the incredibly expensive street that runs through the SoBe art deco district. Next day.... fuck, I don't know. We went to Key West for like 3/4 hours one night and ate at Margeritaville (I broke down and had the Cheesburger in Paradise), and Caron spotted her ex, Jason, like twice in an hour and was all pissy about it. Why she was surprised, I don't know. She knew he was in Key West. Whatever. Bought a couple t-shirts, wrote a postcard, and drove the 5 hours back.

Went to the Everglades and got really close to large nifty birds and humongous alligators, like 15 footers. HUGE. Right there. No fence, just a little embankment. Pretty sweet.

Went snorkeling in Key Largo - it's one of those things that should definitely be on your life's to-do list. It was incredible - wouldn't describe it as 'fun', because I was really nervous being in the ocean with all this stuff, and my breathing was all crazy because I wasn't used to snorkeling. Then I was swimming back to the boat to rest, with my head down, y'know, and suddenly the ocean floor MOVED, and I realized that there was a huge ray with a 7 or 8 foot wingspan about 12 feet away from me. I yelled 'holy shit!' through my snorkel and backed up... I didn't think anyone heard me but the master diver guy teased me about it on the way back. It was so cool, but it was just really scary - I felt so vulnerable. That is not my home environment, y'know? But it was sweet. They took us back and forth on a catamaran, put up the sails a few times, so that was cool.

That night I rested in the hotel room and Caron went over to John's and got drunk or high or something. The next day we went over to the trailer, hung out for a bit, then went to a bar. I started myself off at the trailer with 4 shots of Capt. Morgan's, then had at least 4 beers at Ye Olde Redneck Dive Bar, or whatever it was called. We played pool, and I actually played really well after a beer or two. Then my talent disappeared after #3 and 4.. Bud drafts. After the Captain, it tasted like water. Baaad.

We stopped at a convenience store and made complete asses of ourselves. John kept poking me in... places... and yelling that Caron "takes it up the ass" and were looking for some "anal lube". We went back to the trailer and played video games (SOUL CALIBUR!!! YEEEHAAA!) and watched cartoons - I was so smashed I thought it would be a good idea to swig the last of the Capt. Morgans. I honestly couldn't tell you how much I had to drink. I know Jim helped me finish the bottle, but whether I had 1/3, or 1/2, or 2/3.... couldn't tell ya. Either way, I made myself sick, but I coudln't throw up. I ended up crawling around on the floor with my jeans undone, and screaming at the toilet "make up your mind! MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MIND, BITCH!" We all crashed on John's bed and watched some TV, someone snapped my underwear...

Sometime during the night we were all on the couch and I told John that Caron had been lying to him when she said she was in law school. I remember that, all right, but whether he asked me or if I just volunteered the info, I couldn't say for sure. I think I volunteered it. I'd been talking shit about her earlier to Jim (male roomie #2), about how she keeps putting the radio on scan for HOURS, listened to the Backstreet Boys and shit like that. Anyway, Caron overheard me and asked what I said, and I lied and said I didn't know. (I knew at the time, can't remember now.)

Caron left her 'gift bag' of Summer's Eve, condoms, KY gelly (or some variant), and painkillers in the bathroom - or maybe she used it, I dunno. We left about 6 am after watching Animaniacs and Pinky & the Brain (well, she was with John in the other room) and went back to the hotel to crash for an hour before we checked out and started our 12 HOUR drive home. Still not feeling well, had eaten some bread and water.

Lying in the bed, Caron was pissed about me spilling the beans to John, and didn't understand why I would tell him the truth. I didn't understand why she *hadn't*. She was pissed because I wasn't sorry that I'd told him, and said something about ending our friendship and me being a bad friend, and since I was still sobering up I just went off on her. I told her all the shit I hadn't told her for the last 7 or so years, about how I didn't trust what she said because she'd lied to me about the abortions, and John being dead, and how I didn't even know what had really happened anymore. About how she's inconsiderate, and immature and pulling the same shit she had when she was 16, and I had thought she'd grown up but obviously not. How I don't understand why she has to create all this additional drama in her life when most of us had more than we wanted. How I couldn't always give her 100 percent of my attention all the time, and she shouldn't expect me to. All the comments she had been making all week about losing weight, 'getting hot', and coming back down to Florida and wearing slutty outfits and joining a sorority, then turns around and makes rude comments about those same type of people, and how pathetic and sad they are...

Yeah, so for a while I wasn't sure if she was gonna talk to me again. And it was really bad timing to do that right before the 12 hour trip... but we still managed to be civil (I think me feeling fucking horrible helped). I slept a lot during the trip, drank water, felt better. Every few hours we'd stop to get gas or food, or I'd wake up, and she'd randomly reply to something I'd ranted about the night before. Like, 'by the way, I knew John wasn't dead because I felt it, not because I was lying to you', or 'I've never actually had an abortion, but I had a pregnancy scare and maybe a miscarriage', etc. etc.

Also, something that blew my mind - she's offended by my vegetarianism. Offended. She said something along the lines of, God put animals on this Earth for us to use and conquer and whatever (I don't believe that at all, but okay), and me not eating them is like, throwing God's gift to me back in his face and saying it's not good enough for me. I said, well, what if you think of it that I really, really appreciate God's handiwork, and that they're His creatures, and I object to the disrespect with which people are treating them? And she said, no, because God didn't give animals the choice, he gave us the choice to treat them however we want, and it's unfair of me to judge people because that's His job.

We then got into a long discussion about laws, but... who is she to be telling me that I'm offending God? She breaks Commandments much more often than I do. Eating meat is not a commandment. I mean, it may mention it in there somewhere, but wtf?? If she gets so offended by people breaking God's laws or whatever, she must hate herself and most of the people she hangs out with. I dunno, she thinks she's better than I am because she's Christian and she's going to heaven, but she lies to EVERYONE, cheats them out of money, doesn't respect most of her fellow humans or treat them incredibly well (not everyone, she's not evil, I'm not saying that) - but just, if she's going to talk like a believer, she should fucking act like one instead of putting me down and telling me I'm going to hell.

She's got that whole 'sin and repent' thing, everywhere in her life. It's okay to lie and get what you want, then tell the truth later when it's too late for them to do anything or be pissed. She just wants to have her cake and eat it too, and fuck if I'm going to support that. I mean, okay, it's who she is, but I think it's the bad part of her, and something she is able to change but chooses not to. I dunno, she just pissed me off a lot, and I'm not sure where our friendship stands. She called me the other night and chatted with me pretty much like normal, but I almost felt more pissed off at her. I mean, I wouldn't be so mad except that she said all this negative shit about me, stuff that I rarely if ever said to her, and it's like, you've got balls to be throwing stones like that.

I dunno. We're so different now. I feel like I've grown up and she's just gotten older, regardless of the fact that I'm idealistic. I don't think being realistic makes you mature - I think it's how you try to act, and how you try to treat people. She said herself she never got punished, that she's still testing her limits, like she's 6 or something.

Maybe we just need a break, but I wonder if I'll ever be able to be as close as we used to be. I dunno. I won't actively try to contact her, and more likely I'll partially avoid her, but I'll be civil. If she keeps talking about me betraying her, I don't think I'll be able to stand it.

Well, if I do end up ending my friendship, my drama will decrease by at least 60%.

Thursday, March 07, 2002

Sigh... so I got a little cleaning done today, and decided to do something on the computer. What, I can't even remember now, because I said to myself, well, I've beaten Doom, let's see what this whole Civilization thing is all about.

Boy, was THAT a mistake.

Today was my mom's birthday, and I was going to clean the house for her. She kept asking me, like 30 times, to stop playing the damn game and clean my bathroom in case we have guests for (neighbor's daughter) Sarah's wedding staying over.

It's now midnight, and I just stopped playing, except for a slight pause for my shows, which I mostly just half-listened to. The only reason I stopped is because my 6,000 year reign finally ended (and apparently, I sucked). This is very, very bad.

Perhaps the reason why I'm so easily addicted to video games is because I never was allowed to play them when I was a kid. Whenever I did play them, I went over to someone else's house, and we ended up playing Mario Brothers, except I was always Luigi, and I would play for like 30 seconds and then die. Then the owner of the game would take over and play for an hour and a half before they finally died. Half the time, they would take over my turn and get all the secret stuff, then hand it back to me. Fuckin hate that.

So now, when I'm 21 I finally get to play video games, and I haven't learned how to control it, like most people did when they were younger and had no responsiblity. And I get to play them all by myself, without anyone else showing me how to do stuff. Plus, I mean really, would YOU rather scrub the bathroom or play Risk (essentially what Civilization is, except with colonization)?

Well, I'll have a break from my precious computer for a week, anyway. After tomorrow, of course. But I won't play games tomorrow. I'll just download the mp3s, burn them, and that's IT. I swear. Yeah.

Aieesh. I'm a sicko.

Wednesday, March 06, 2002

You know what's funny? I stole this quiz from hyperdramatic, of course, and I don't post all the quizzes he does, yet he's "not too bad".

Actually, the really funny thing is that I'm the center of the universe. Actually, the exact center of my universe is the Fairview Grill near Southpark, because that is where almost all circles of my life coalesce. But really, I'm the center of the universe. Either that or me and closetboy have parallel universes that keep bumping into each other. He's a gay freshman in Canada (I think) that I've never met before. I think I started reading his blog from those little recently posted blogs one day, and now...

Well, he posted a chat from A.L.I.C.E., which is an AI chatbot created by a guy at my school, good old CMU. In fact, on the back of a Carnegie Mellon Magazine that sitting in my bathroom, there's a chat with Alice by the editor that I've read at least 1/2 dozen times. (I think reading material should be mandatory for bathrooms, but that's just me).

Now, that quiz he just posted... from NC state. Where I've been like two dozen times, and where I know a whole bunch of people. Do you know how many websites I've seen from And now I see this one through random Canadian boy's website. Weird. Weird weird weird.

Sigh... or maybe I'm just reaching for a connection with the outside world. Spring Break cannot come too soon.

On a completely unrelated note, I like Steven Bochco's (CMU! CMU!) work much better than David E. Kelley's. I like how he is able to portray strong-ish women without removing their personalities. I like how his men seem tougher than they really are. I like how he gives minorities really good roles. He also combines a great mix of interesting characters and pretty people having sex. :) I realized this the other night after watching Philly. Good show. Mmm, sexy judge. :9

Ohhhkay, enough stupidity for now. G'night, or something...
I'm an asshole!
Do you post too many quizzes in your journal? brought to you by:
Woohoo! I finally beat Doom II! God, that last level was a BITCH. First of all, I didn't know how to beat it without looking up spoilers online. Then I found out how to cheat - that was fun, and I beat it that way. Then I went back and beat it for real in like 2 tries. Heh.

Of course, now I have to go back and try it with the settings on difficult instead of easy. And get all the secrets. Yeah.

My sleep cycle is all kinds of off. Just in time for Spring Break. I'm starting to get excited about going to Miami (every time I think that, I hear Will Smith). Sooo tired, so much to do. I guess I'll do some more downloading...

Although I just had a rabid desire to take a webquiz. Guess it's time to visit hyperdramatic.

Later gaterz...

Tuesday, March 05, 2002

While I do enjoy my previously interrupted mp3 downloading ability with limewire, the mp3 player is not good. It skips constantly and won't play stuff below a certain quality level. Bah.

I am, however, enjoying my new tunes. Listening to the radio a lot recently has reminded me that I would probably like the Talking Heads a whole lot. I heard their good stuff in Studio a while ago and never got around to downloading it (like Psycho Killer and Sugar on my Tongue). Plus John Lee Hooker w/ Big Head Todd and the Monsters and that new Kylie Minogue song (yes, yes, I know. shut up. I like it anyway). And System of a Down. I should probably look at their CD. They're so crazy looking, I love them.
Caron sent me the list of mp3s she wants me to burn for her so we can listen to them on the (15 hour!!!) drive to Florida. Here's her list:

Barenaked Ladies--Alcohol--If I had a million dollars--Brian Wilson--Old apartment
Weird Al--What if God smoked Cannibus
Billy Joel--We didn't start the fire--Piano Man--Tell her about it--Only the Good die young--uptown girl
elton john--I guess that's why they call it the blues--candle in the wind (not diana)
3rd Eye Blind--Semi Charmed Kind of Life
Alan Jackson--Where were you when the world stopped turning
Beastie Boys--Girls
Blink 182--All the small things--girl at the rock show-what's my age again
bloodhound gang--the bad touch
everclear-videokilled the radio star--santa monica--you make me feel like a whore--am radio
dixie chicks--goodbye earl
fastball--you're an ocean
garth brooks --unanswered prayers
green day--minority
hole--doll parts--olympia
jill sobule--ikissed a girl--I wanna be a supermodel
lee greenwood--proud to be an american(both parts)
LFO--summer girls--every other time
madonna--material girl--like a virgin
no doubt--hey baby--Sunday morning--tragic kingdom--excuse me mr.--just a girl--spiderwebs
N'sync--bye bye bye--It's gonna be me--gone--I want you back
o town--all or nothing
S club 7--never had a dream come true
Pot USA--peaches
rick springfield--jessie's girl
rockapella--come on eileen
savage garden--animal song
shaggy--angel--it wasn't me
sr71--right now
tommy tutone--8675309

I am going to have to do some... um... editorial selections on this list. There's no way I'm going to be stuck in a car listening to Lee fucking Greenwood for 10+ hours if I can help it. But I'm ok with a lot of songs on this list... just not all of them. Maybe I'll make a couple of CDs of stuff I like, one of stuff I don't, and conveniently "forget" that one... ;)

Also, reason #471 why I prefer to travel with people who have money. We're staying at an Extended Stay America while in Ft. Lauderdale - 60 dollars a night. While she was in ITALY, my mom stayed here. I swear, next time she'd better take me with her. :~(

Okay, I've really got to get stuff done today. I mean it. Yeah.

Friday, March 01, 2002

Well, I did get some stuff done today, but I got online while I was taking a break and there goes the day. Of course, I didn't start until 3:30... but I did get the kitchen cleaned up, dusted the floors and baseboards, and printed out my mom's itinerary. I even gathered my wash but it never made it down to the laundry room... oh well. So now it's just wrapping presents, getting the mail, doing laundry, and taking a shower at some point. Not too shabby.... maybe a little vacuuming and tidying up, too.

Jenny's coming over to spend the night tonight so she can take me to the shower tomorrow... I suppose I should call Sheila and find out where the shower is, so we can actually get there. Oh, and no one ever came over to clean out dad's stuff and take it to the shelter. I can't remember who was supposed to do it... oh well, too late now. They can come over one day while she's working, I guess. Although she'll have prepared herself that it would have been gone. Well, fuck, I'm not responsible. These are grown women, they should get their shit together. They knew when she would be gone, they should have come over one day, or not volunteered to do so.

Sigh... I'll go kill some nazi demons and then get my laundry started.