Tuesday, July 16, 2002

Happiness currently comes from two soundtracks which I don't have.

1: Pleasantville, Fiona Apple's cover of 'Across the Universe'. It was on last night, so we watched it again. 3rd time this month. Love that movie.
2: Moulin Rouge!, Ewan MacGregor doing such a wonderful job of covering 'Your Song'. As if he wasn't perfect enough, the boy can sing.

Hm. Maybe I'll go CD-shopping with the money that housemate Darga is sending me for the security deposit.... music makes me happier than jeans...

Sunday, July 14, 2002

This must be the catch-22 of blogging. If I have a life, I have no time to post about it. If I don't have a life, I have nothing to post *about*.

About to go shopping, so gotta keep it short. I've been swimming in Lake Arthur twice in the past week and sailing yesterday on Jeff's cute little catamaran with a rainbow sail. We talked about what's going on in the future and getting a domain name for me, Ayako, Jeff, Willy, and maybe Dave or Alexys (that's the group that's been going everywhere lately). Had a cookout last night and charred all the fake meat and buns. Went to Krispy Kreme last week in Cranberry on the way back from the Lake and got a dozen donuts, some of which are still downstairs taunting us. (Trying to go low-carb AND vegan, not working. Didn't eat a lot yesterday and ended up getting cold sweats right after dinner. Blah.)

Watched Office Space, good movie. Ayako's little brother was here last week, we watched some movies between the 3 of us - splash and shrek. (He's 17, btw... better than blood n guts tho).

Uh... getting Earth revived again, looks like I'll be a co-pres but I found someone to carry on the struggle. Also found a bunch of people for Barb to take over my job and some others. Sent an e-mail to Pam's friend Michael today to ask him for his dad's e-mail address- very cool guy, spiritual, wise, makes excellent chai from scratch. Works in New Zealand, has a possible job prospect for me in Canberra!!!!!!! So I've got to update my resume (or CV as they call it down there - curriculum vitae, vital courses, I think...) and send it down under. Whoooo!

Yeah, gotta get going. Too bad I don't know anyone with money or am trustworthy enough to do a blogathon... good luck to everyone else though!! I'd help but I'm broke too. :(

Tuesday, July 02, 2002

It's amazing how easy it is to make something look frighteningly powerful and important, just by capitalizing it. Bonus points for putting 'the' in front of it. Extra super bonus points for putting 'The' (with a capital T) in front of it.

And, of course, any reference to expansion, blind faith and/or world domination in the same sentence as The Noun increases Its importance exponentially.
Heh. Somebody found my blog by searching for 'Tom Cruise is an ass'.

Late for work. Bye.

Monday, July 01, 2002

Oh, and one last thing. There are two men in my office with baseball songs as their cell phone ringer. Perhaps it's one man with two different ring tones, I don't know. One is that organ song that they use to try to get people keyed up - the one where everyone yells 'Charge!' at the end. The other one is 'Take me out the ballgame'.

Apparently this man is very popular. And he often leaves his cell phone on his desk.

It's vaguely terrifying when you're absorbed in a project and you do something disgusting without really realizing it.

Especially if you're in public.

You wonder... wait, was anyone watching when I did that? Are there cameras?
