Wednesday, October 30, 2002

Ohhhhhhhh.... drool....

X-Men 2

Well, I'm off to a panel about pagan spirtuality led by local Wiccans. Later.

Tuesday, October 29, 2002

Oh yeah, and I passed my driver's license test, and my car will be here within a few days. Two, to be exact.

Can't believe I'll be driving. How scary is that.

Oh, and go State!
And I just wanted to say that in the past few weeks my mom has purchased or finally had delivered:

1. A fake Christmas tree with pre-strung lights and fiber optics. Yep, the little clear wands of flowing pretty colors that adorn everything at the entrance to the CVS or Rite-Aid nowadays.
2. A purple 2003 Mercedes CLK320 Convertible with a navy blue top. Yes, purple.
3. A 7 week old Yorkshire Terrier puppy named Emma. Who, I'm sure, will have a pink bow at some time in her life. The idea is that she'll fit in a purse.

Yep. She's having fun.
(Pretend this post was put up here Sunday afternoon. Blogger was down. Blegh.)

Goddamit. Blogger ate my post.

So I just wanted to say that I'm a complete fucking idiot, because I had a ticket to Ben Folds and Duncan Sheik, one of the highly-coveted FREE ones that people have been scalping online here at school for weeks, and I didn't go because I FORGOT the concert was last night. Instead, I stayed at home and watched Backdraft again, knitted, and did laundry. How fucking lame am I.

There's something wrong with me. Seriously. I know I've never been high on the motivation/energy scale, especially when there aren't any projects or anything due, but this is getting ridiculous. I went to bed at 7 pm Friday night, got out of bed at 4pm on Saturday, went to bed at 11:30 that night and got up today at 2:30pm. That's 21+15 hours in bed. 36 hours in bed in one weekend. And I've been getting plenty of sleep this whole week.

I need to get out of here. I need more things to force me to get out of bed. Like volunteer work, or... something, god. Hunger didn't work, thirst didn't work, guilt didn't work, having things I should do didn't work. It was only disgust, finally, and a meeting today. Ugh. ugh ugh ugh. Maybe I'll take up cocaine.

Okay, so not cocaine. But some other way to get me hyped up and out of the house, even if it's to feed an addiction. Gah.

Wednesday, October 09, 2002

I'm so bad about updating this thing, leaving my depessing bad-birthday post on here for weeks. Here's something new, then.

I just love random e-mail subjects and how e-mail clients attempt to make them sound so professional, adding 'as regards' or 'concerning' before the subject line.

I was in my Sent Mail mailbox while sending e-mail to Caron, and got a neat little alert: 'Mail saved to folder regarding SpongeBob's sexuality'. Lovely.

And I really enjoy my Environmental History class. It helps so much having young teachers - screw experience. The title of our lecture today was 'Andrew Carnegie Burns Dinosaurs for Fun and Profit'. We watched a movie and talked about how going to Target and Bloodbath and Beyond on the site of the former infamous Homestead steel mill is just plain wrong.