Saturday, November 30, 2002

One of the best things about being in studio late at night is that the girl's bathroom has this motion-sensing light switch that turns off the lights when no one's in the bathroom for, oh, half an hour or so. It instantly switches them back on when someone walks in the door.

You can tell from the door outline whether or not the lights are on, so one of my great joys, when the lights are off, is to make a grand entrance into the bathroom, coordinating some dramatic movement with the lights turning on. For instance: pulling the door open, jumping into the room, throwing open my arms and shouting 'Ta Daaa!' right as I hear the *click* of the light switch.

Some things are way more fun than they should be at 2:30 in the morning.

Where the hell is Josh?
Well, so far it's taken me, oh, 6 hours or so to do one sketch. But damn if it isn't a good sketch.

I'm getting my wish for copious amounts of snow to gather on the ground. Well, not a whole lot, but it's a nice, even blanket, even on paved surfaces. And it's still coming down.

In related news, Josh is supposed to show up soon, work for an hour or two, and drive me home. He was actually supposed to show up an hour+ ago. He'd better fucking come work. I don't want to take Escort home tonight. I would have left earlier if he hadn't said he was working tonight. I suppose I could wait until daybreak and work, it's going pretty well so far. But I'd rather not screw up my schedule that much... hell, what am I thinking. I'll probably be pulling nothing but all or half-nighters all next week anyway, it's not like I'll *have* a schedule. Eh. I'll call him at two and see what the hell is going on.

He's got senioritis worse than I do, and that's something, let me tell ya. What a pair.

I love snow. Lay it on! Give me more! MORE! I want it up to my KNEES! YEeeahhh!
I just switched the blog over to my new website! Well, it's not actually that new. It's about damn time I switched, actually.

There is white outside - rain or snow or 'winter mix' or something, coming down by the bucketful and blowing almost sideways at times. Craziness. I guess Josh and I aren't going shopping today, after all. I'm so behind on all my work. Two days, completely wasted. Yech.

Aight, I'm outie.
I'm finally back in studio. No matter how much I try, I can't seem to make it back here before noon, even though I leave at decent hours of 10 or 11 at night. Dammit, how hard is it to get here at 7 or 8 am, really? Ugh.

And then I spend an hour reading blogs. Useful. When I have SO MUCH TO DO.

On the other hand, I am pleased because I finally found a stream of Queens of the Stone Age's 'No One Knows' on one of the desktops in studio. Schweet. Happiness. Unfortunately, I didn't bring my headphones and there are other people present, so I can't blast it as I would dearly like to. Probably for the best, my ears are sore from the cold & wet I got from riding Terror over here. (Yes, the bike's name is still Terror, because although the seat no longer bruises my nether regions, I still ride as quickly as possible down Beeler, to Forbes, to Maggie Mo, killing my leg muscles and panting like a bull in a rodeo. Cars are scary.)

I figured out recently, before I passed out after two days of non-sleep, that I could specify ring tones for certain callers on my cell phone. Wanting to hear from my uncle, but not from a certain obsessive-compulsive repeat caller, I set the ID for her as 'none', and 'siren' for my uncle. Thus, I slept blissfully through repeated calls from others but woke up in time to talk to my uncle, unfortunately in a nearly complete stupor from my hour-long nap. The really nice part is, I haven't changed the ringer since. I was at the computer yesterday and noticed that my phone was flashing at me, saying I had a call... but it was making NO NOISE. Automatically I still hit the 'clear' button to silence the ringer, as I usually do, but of course there was no change, because it was already silent! Brilliant.

My mom really wants me to take the cat when I come back from break. She's, like, desperate. I'm a little pissed at her - taking the cat would be a HUGE deal for me. Agreements from roommates, hiding it with my landlord, keeping the cat indoors with 4 other people coming and going at all hours. Locking him up in my room - my tiny, tiny little room, because there are no doors blocking off the upper floor. Moving all the accoutrements up, and probably getting him sedated for the 8 hour drive, or flying him up, meaning I'd have to drive to the airport (probably in the snow) and leave my car there for 3 weeks. Or, having to find a pet-friendly apartment, and move everything I own into it, which would *really* require a subletter. I'd probably have to do that anyway, I think Laura has allergies. I mean, I love my kitty, but he honestly prefers my mom and gets along much better with her. Now she wants me to take him because she couldn't wait to get a frickin spoiled purebred puppy so she could dress her up with sweaters and bows. So the puppy tortures the cat, the cat wakes up the puppy who won't shut up at night... and she's upset that I'm not taking the cat away? It was fine before the got the damn dog. I never envisioned taking the cat, I always assumed he would stay there. It would just be a huge pain in the ass for me, and I don't think it's nearly as difficult for her. Ah well, bitching from both sides. But if she bugs me about it over break, I'm going off.

I should start thinking about my Christmas list, I suppose. And finish making presents. Hrm. But first, WORK!

Friday, November 29, 2002

Well, it did snow, some, but not 6 inches. More like 2-3, which has been melting ever since. It snowed on and off for a while but never accumulated. :~( I'm sure I'll have more chances.

So I took the PAT bus up to Uncle Bruce's for Thanksgiving - many thanks to the very nice 28x driver who let me sit on the warm bus and then told me he could take me directly to my stop, even though it wasn't really on his schedule, since it wasn't too busy. Then more thanks to the 12A driver for having no idea where he was going but being a really nice sport anyway, and telling me to call my aunt while I was still on the bus to make sure we were in the right place, just in case he had to take me further down the road.

After a few misadventures I arrived at Bruce and Kathy's a little before noon. Kathy's sister Leeanne (sp) and her husband Pat were there - funny, funny couple. They also had their two kids, Jennifer, 15, and Marcus, 11. They matched up perfectly with the cousins, of course, although Jennifer was on the quieter side and hung out near her mom a lot and was generally embarassed by her antics.

Leeanne reminds me of a combination of Beth, Jennifer (was Gonzalez but got married), and Karen from 'Will & Grace'. Hilarious, hyperactive, prone to teasing. Kathy was hyped up trying to have everything perfect and Leeanne was having a fine time messing with her. Kathy and Leeanne's grandmother came over, picked up by Pat and Jonathan from the nursing home. She was in pretty good shape for being 92 - a lot of talking loud and lost memories but she was with it most of the time and had some great comments. "Leeanne, look at those lovely fingernails. Don't you do any housework?"

The highlight of the evening was when we all sat down to dinner. Kathy had a basketfull of small rolls of various kinds in those little muffin paper cups. She passed them around the table and then set them on the floor to make room. A few minutes later, someone asked for a roll, but when Kathy went down to pick up the basket it was completely empty. Ruby, their black lab, was laying under the table surrounded by empty muffin wrappers. Kathy freaked out and everybody cracked up. Usually Ruby is quite well behaved and doesn't go after food unless it's offered to her, but, as everyone said, she is a dog, and food was placed on the ground in a bowl right next to her. The rest of the evening was spent teasing Kathy and making jokes about what would happen when the rolls came out, one way or the other. ;)

Eventually, dinner wrapped up, some extra cousins/uncles came over for dessert, we talked for a while, and then Elizabeth drove me home with Bruce in the passenger's seat (she's 16 and working on her graduated license). She did well but was a little loose, but how could you not be, driving a boat like that. It's some huge old Caddy or Lincoln or Buick or something like that, a waterbed with wheels.

I learned a few interesting things about my mom's side of the family, from Bruce:

  • The American University in Beirut sits on Bliss street, named after one of my forefathers who went there as a missionary and founded the University.
  • A great uncle-in-law of mine, won an Oscar for screenwriting - Robert Lord. Bruce said it was for "The High Wall". (Actually, when I looked it up, he won for One Way Passage.) Bruce went out to visit him when he was a kid and noticed the Oscar on his mantelpiece, and it got passed around to all the kids. Apprently he was married to Martha Bliss, who was, I think, my great aunt.
  • My great-grandmother was valedictorian at Wellesley, just like Hillary Clinton, apparently.
  • There's also a line of Hastings and a doctor named Little in there somewhere. Apparently this one line of my family was rich-as-crap upper crust Englishmen. Who knew?

Yesterday I finally fixed my bike - lowered the seat and added the nice, new, gushy, wide-ass seat. Sooo comfortable. Now it is no longer 'the crotch-destroyer'. I stripped the hex nuts a little bit in the process but that's okay. Fixed the dining room table, too.

I rode my bike to school today, anticipating the possibility of a late return tonight. I must have looked quite the sight. Me, in my huge down-filled bubble jacket, white helmet strapped on, purse cutting across diagonally, bouncing along on my gushy comfy seat at about 3 miles an hour on my tiny little bike (it's small-frame mountain-bike type). Hilarious.

Where is Josh? We should be working.

Tuesday, November 26, 2002

It's supposed to start snowing tonight and not stop until sometime Wednesday. There's a possibility of getting 6 inches in that time.

I want it to snow SO BAD. I'm so excited, I feel giddy. Of course, that could just be because it's quarter to six in the morning and I got up about 22 hours ago.

drawings done: 4
drawings left: 1
boards done: 0
boards left: 4

slowly but surely.


but surely.
Oh, and by the way, our dryer broke last week (not a big surprise).

I'm trying to borrow the neighbor's before they leave for Thanksgiving, but I am severely short on clothing.

I'm wearing one navy blue trouser sock and one white gym sock. Oi.
I told this story to one of the other girls here working all night with us...

I had set my alarm for 4:30 am the other day, intending to get up, do work, and head to studio at dawn. I ended up hitting snooze for about an hour and a half, but still got to studio around 7:30 or so. I had a long day working in studio, straight through. We went to Ellen's party (20 minutes turned into 2 hours) and hung out at her uber-chic apartment. I did my anti-social thing, first cowering in the galley kitchen, then sitting cross-legged on the floor next to the couch and getting in everyone's way.

We went back to studio, worked for a couple hours, decided the deadline was, well, flexible, and went home. I got home at 4 am, went to set my alarm for 9 am. When I pressed the 'set alarm' button, the clock only changed by 20 minutes -- I had been up for 24 hours.


But, good news! I'm staying in Pittsburgh until I find a subletter. Will it be December? February? May? Who knows???

Whew. Now I don't have to pack, and I can hang out here and do stuff. With people. And maybe work, too.

Back to work.
Time: 3:15 am
Cups of coffee: 2
Drawings completed: 2
Drawings left: 3
Boards completed: 0
Boards left: 4

I just took out my contacts... I'm hoping the glasses will keep my eyes open. I don't know why.

Christ it's been a long day. And it's just gonna get longer...

By the way, everyone should stream WRCT, especially on Sunday and Monday nights, when my friends are on. :)

Saturday, November 23, 2002

It's cold as almighty fuck outside. I really wish my gloves still covered my thumbs. Damn fingernails.

I moved into studio today. I'm serious, I brought toiletries. I'm a week or more behind on all 3 of my projects. One of them was supposed to be fully designed this past Thursday and I'm not even close. Another one has a ton of stuff done by tomorrow afternoon so it can get to the printer in time.

Here's a list of what I packed up this morning:
toiletry bag
mentholatum (my hands are chapped)
contact solution
glasses (for when the contacts rebel against being overworked)
homemade hummus
two travel coffee mugs
dish sponge
latex gloves
dremel tool
staple gun + staples
cell-phone charger
40 CDs

Mind, this is in addition to the huge mound of crap that's already taken over two desks.

I'll be here for a while.

Friday, November 22, 2002

I love ReadMe, CMU's satiristic ... newspaper, I guess you could call it It's 6 sides of black and white paper. Close enough.

Highlights this week:

  • An interview with the freshman ECE major who pulled down his pants in class, walked up to the lecturer, and shook his hand - all caught on video.
  • A fantastic mullet photo listed in the crime and incident report as 'scary'.

Good stuff.

Wednesday, November 20, 2002

Okay, now that I've told you the good news...

I'm really starting to freak out about current events. I wasn't really before, it was just kind of like, piled on to all the other things I was dissatisfied about in the world.

But now I'm really starting to get scared.

It's probably a combination of a number of things. There's a big debate tomorrow in McConomy Auditorium about the War on Iraq, with opinions from both sides. The philosophy department in Baker Hall has a big poster on their door that says 'No War Against Iraq' (big surprise there), which I see every time I go to my Environmental History class. This week we've been learning about environmental disasters that have spurred protests in the past 30 or so years... yesterday was the Love Canal, today was Three Mile Island. I never had a clear idea of what had happened there until I saw the documentary today in class. I can't believe my uncle was only a few minutes away at the time, desperately trying to hitchhike his way out of there. 50% core meltdown. Radioactive gas clouds. Evacuating children and pregnant women. Possible China Syndrome. Holy shit.

After class, I grab the Tartan on my way down to studio and read that the US is on high alert of a major terrorist strike, particularly aviation, petroleum and nuclear plants.

Fucking great.

For those of you who don't know, Duke Power has four nuclear cooling towers about 30 miles north of Charlotte (50 miles from my house). They were giving out free potassium iodide pills a few months ago to residents in the area - protection against radiation, particularly the thyroid gland, I believe, in case of terrorist attack. There's another reactor about 30 miles from my house, to the south.

The world is insane.
First of all, yay!

We're beating Penn State! Only Swarthmore is ahead of us! I never thought we'd do this well!

Wh00t! Go CMU! We're kicking ass everywhere. (Go Jara!)

Well, almost everywhere. Ouch.

Saturday, November 16, 2002

Ha! This site is really funny.

Go do the ESP Experiment, where Clifford Pickover READS YOUR MIND THROUGH THE COMPUTER!!!

Then go here to laugh about it.

I wonder if I'll get sued....

Friday, November 15, 2002

Googlism! The latest craze that's sweeping the nation!

It does a search on google for your name and... something, and gives you a wacky list describing you! (Warning: some of these links list quotes were obviously pulled off of porn sites)

Some highlights for wendy:

wendy is an asian elephant and was born on a logging camp in thailand
wendy is the voice of the nerdy guys and an expert at using and creating software tips
wendy is not for you
wendy is provided after you sign up and receive your pin
wendy is trendy <=Yes, that is my new slogan.
wendy is staring at me
wendy is a cute evil genius
wendy is not a dolphin

friends! Friends are fun.
ayako is beating me over the head with a large mallet
willy is then shocked back to reality and he laments how many people he meets just do not like him very much
jeff is a cheater and is gay
joel is visited by a man in a devil suit who demands candy
caron is a monster

and, I don't know her that well, but Dorothy has some great hits, though most are about the Wizard of Oz...
dorothy is supposed to resemble human beings only in appearance
dorothy is a big green dinosaur with yellow spots
dorothy is a crazy psycho

sarah is good for soup
jenny is queen of earth
nancy is about as spritual as a toaster

I could go on for hours. But I won't. Such fun, though! :D


From sugar.
Oh, I forgot to mention. I got all the way to Jeff's place over in ... wherever the hell that area is, Lawrenceville, I think. I swear, every 2 blocks there's a different friggin municipality. Anyway, I drove over there, at night, by myself, and parked, and everything. All good. So proud. *blush* On my way home, I did a bajillion point turn to get back on to Butler Street, drove up to Foodland and crossed the Bloomfield bridge. Halfway across I realized I should get into the left lane so I could get on Craig St., and that's when I realized that my driver's side mirror was still folded in towards the car, from when I had parked at Jeff's. I had to 'roll' (what the hell do you call it when you push the little button and the window comes down? It's not rolling, but I don't know what it is) the window down and flip out the mirror while going 35 across a concrete bridge. Dumbass. Luckily there was no one around.

Is it weird that I talk to my car? Is it weird that I named her Leeloo? Is it weird that I refer to my car in gender-specific pronouns? I don't think it is, but I feel a little weird when I comfort her after making mistakes. I hope people think I'm singing along, or talking on a hands-free or something.

(Jamie) Did I just say hands-free? Ugh, *really*, as if I'm on a first-name basis with the latest technology. Please. (/Jamie)
Awww... I was looking at Harry Potter for showtimes this weekend, and I found out about this. So sad!

Jeff and I watched HP1 this past Wednesday over at his place. Nice apartment, great furniture. We're trying to see HP2 this Saturday, but the nearest theatre showing it is the Loew's at Homestead. Yech.

Tons busy. Working on this, this, and the Panther Hollow Lake exhibit next month. Can't believe I'm graduating. Haven't even finished my portfolio. Where will I live? What will I do? How will I SURVIVE?!

By the way, Aya found a permanent nest in San Francisco, right on the beach! Holy crap am I jealous. I wonder if I should do the same thing and just move out there and pay her rent to sleep on her couch, and then try my hardest to steal her future jobs. Yeah. She'd love that.

Sunday, November 10, 2002

I made yuppie food today. Actually, vegan yuppie food.

What, you may ask, is vegan yuppie food?

Fancy cheese and crackers. Classic yuppie food. Must include overpriced mustard and some sort of meat that you'd get in a gift basket. Vegan yuppie food is all that, but with the magic goodness of SOY.

Crackers with fake cheddar, a smear of Grey Poupon Dijon mustard (the kind where you can see the seeds, not that creamy yellow crap), with a slice of Boca smoked sausage to top it off. I was tempted to complement it with the wine I bought months ago but never opened, but I thought that 1 o'clock on a Sunday afternoon was a bit much. So I contented myself with apple cider.

That, coupled with my newfound tendency to yell and curse at stupid drivers in front of me, convinces me that I am, in fact, my father's daughter.

And, AND, I can barely contain my excitement. One week until Hogwarts is back in session. I am way too into this stuff. It's a little bit sobering, as always, because I distinctly recall driving to the movies at the Aboretum with my mom and dad last fall to catch the first one.
Don't go here, unless you want to become gay.

(Note! This does include sound, so if you're in a public place, like work, turn it down or put on your headphones. Or wait till you get home and you're not on the company dime, you slackass.)

Friday, November 08, 2002

Good horoscope just arrived for tomorrow. I don't know if it'll actually be relevant (I severely doubt it, they rarely are), but it's good advice regardless:

"You may find that family just doesn't understand what you're doing with your life. Don't explain your actions. Remember you are the only one who can make yourself happy."

Anyway, it's better than that day when I got a blank horoscope. I was afraid it was an omen of death.

I'm debating whether or not to go to Joel's birthday party tonight... I'm thinking no, because I'm pretty frickin' tired. I got about 5 hours of sleep last night, which isn't bad but is still less than normal. Plus I spent 3+ hours walking to and from Schenley Park and helping plant trees, cut up brush and pull vines off of bushes. I'm beat. I think I'll go home and nap or something. Weeooo.

Oh, check out Jeff's new page! I especially love the flash part. Yay interaction!

Wednesday, November 06, 2002

Woohoo! Go green design @ cmu.

Friday, November 01, 2002

My car arrived this morning! Mom and Sarah stopped by, dropped off stuff and money, peed, took a tour of my house, and left in mom's new convertible (which looks very nice, by the way. It's much more blue than purple. The trunk is laughingly small.)

Mom was sure to tell me emphatically that I should not drive any more than I have to. At the time, I'm like, 'Yeah, I know, but still, now I can go places! By myself! Woohoo!'

However, now I have to go get my parking permit from the Parking Authority downtown. I got driving directions on Yahoo and realized:
a) I have very little driving experience, period.
b) I have no idea where anything is in Pittsburgh.
c) I have only driven by myself twice.
d) Pittsburgh streets are old, narrow, badly paved, horribly designed, and give you pretty much no sight distance or acceleration lane when entering highways (or 'boulevards' which are actually highways).
e) I have no money for parking, and am I to expect that the Parking Authority will have free parking downtown?

So, frightened little coward that I am, I'm going to go wait down in the cold for the 61 A, B, or C to truck my juvenile ass downtown to get a parking permit for my very first car, which I am too scared to drive anywhere.

Speaking of frightening, good design party last night. No, not the social-activity one, where people talk and dance and drink and all that stuff. The one with the pinata, and the pumpkin painting, and the scary dessert contest, sponsored by the Student Design Forum. In a flash of brilliance I came up with a costume - an artist. I used my old paint smock from this summer, smeared some acrylic on my face and hands, put a paper towel in the loop of my jeans, and carried around a pallette and paintbrush. Voila. However, any pride I may have felt at the last-minute, low-cost creation of a decent costume vanished over a course of 4 of the stupidest hours of my life spent in the woodshop. I realized I have no idea how to build things. I don't know the best way to do anything, and I choose the most complicated route first, screw everything up with incorrect measurements or bad craft, waste lots of people's time trying to help me, waste lots of materials that don't end up working, and then realize the easy, simple way to do everything I needed to do, but not before the shop is closed and my time has been completely wasted. I usually end up becoming injured in the process.

I think I'm better at ideas, and planning, and other non-physical things. I should not be allowed near power tools. Or large machinery, I suppose, since the thought of driving for 20 minutes leaves me quivering in fear. It sucks being stupid. I wish there were drugs for confidence and competence in different areas... even if they were temporary, and you could only take them during certain times. That would be nice. That would help a lot, I think. Oi.

I guess it's only fair. I'm good at stuff like reading comprehension and writing, and taking tests. Still, it'd be nice to be good at, you know, my major. I don't want to be an English student for the rest of my life. I want to be a designer! *sniff*