Thursday, July 31, 2003

The Big Light Bulb in the Sky

After running around in the rain, faxing the NC DMV to transfer my registration to Pennsylvania, I collapsed on my bed for a breather and looked up at my overhead light fixture.

Suddenly I realized what happened to all those fruit flies we had last week. Eurgh.

Monday, July 28, 2003

Naked Fairy!

In the spirit of wasting time productively, this is one of the photoshops that I'm working on for the hell of it. She has a background planned out but right now it's in colorful blob form. She's reading a book, lying by a creek in the forest.

Click on her for a bigger picture. At this point, she's about 75% finished, I think. Maybe more, maybe less, depending on feedback (pretty please). Any anatomy tips are particularly helpful as I'm working without a model.

I made a list today of things I should be doing with my time, rather than, um, nothing. It's 2 pages long. I have it divided into things I have to do M-F 9-5 and things I can do whenever. Working on the naked fairy was one of them.

I've also discovered, I think, that the way to get stuff done is to make a to-do list the day before.

It's nearly August, and I still don't have a job. I want to cry.

Sunday, July 27, 2003


On Wednesday Carolyn and I had a rather expensive night out, starting with dinner at the Road to Karrakesh, ice cream at Dave and Andy's, proceeding to drinks at Bar Louie and Pirates of the Caribbean at Loew's (arr! I liked it), then finding ourselves hungry again we hit Ritters for a late night snack.

As far as I can recall, that was pretty much the end of the week. I think I did some productive things at some point earlier, but that all stopped a few days ago. Not sure why, I think it's because there's something I really need to do (get my car inspected) that I can't do until I do something that's rather difficult (empty the really heavy piece of furniture out of the back of my car). Although I think I'll just get it inspected and hope that the extra weight doesn't fuck up my emissions test, since apparently emptying out my car is such a gargantuan task that the mere thought of it frightens me out of any sort of accomplishment.

I had happy plans to help Jeff and Willy demolish and rebuild their new house, but was overcome by the weekend funk and unable to get anywhere near ready to go until after 5 pm both days, at which point I didn't know if they were even still there. I suck.

Also, apparently my mom's relationship with her boy Bill is now not as good as it was earlier in the week. On Monday they were ridiculously in love. On Thursday, all men are shits. For some reason she seems to think that I know what happened. I guess it's because I do a good impression of being psychic when I'm at home, as one must be to interpret what she means when she says things (my mom apparently dislikes using nouns).

Blegh. Maybe I'll just take a couple of sleeping pills and try to start regulating my sleeping habits. Or get a job at Ritters and work 3rd shift.

Saturday, July 19, 2003


Subject: Account Expiration Notice

Dear Sir or Madam,

Userid: wwb
Owner: Wendy W Buffett
Sponsor: Melissa Cicozi
Suspension date: 08/14/2003

This Andrew computer account has begun the suspension process because
it has lost its eligiblity. If no action is taken to renew the
account's eligibility this account will be not be usable for services
such as login, Blackboard, and reading of Email after the suspension date.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.



What... what will I do without you, Andrew? WHAT WILL BECOME OF ME?!?

I am nothing now... NOTHING.

*curls up in corner and weeps*

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

New Template! (duh)

Yeah. Rather than clean the apartment and battle fruit flies, I decided that redesigning my blog was the *real* emergency. I stole code from Xanga and .::says me::. and fought a lot with tables. Planning on doing more orange dragon sketches for your randomized viewing pleasure. (Go on, hit refresh a few times. Teehee.)

Comments/suggestions are welcomed.


Yes, I'm on it now. I had a great time today following the sagas of the fictional characters on there. Have any of you Friendsters seen those? Chewbacca, Harry Potter, Macgyver, Satan, Hello Kitty, Jose Cuervo, Gold Bond Medicated Powder - the list goes on and on. Their bios are fantastic and the comments they leave for others are hilarious. I also highly recommend 'Giant Squid' and Leeloo from the Fifth Element. Multipass.

Oh, and I stumbled upon (don't ask me how) a pirate named Captain Scrotum. Hilariously enough, the random person who set up the good Captain's account decided to use a picture of Don Marinelli, one of the co-heads of the ETC (he comes up first when you type 'pirate' into the Google Image Search). That's a nickname I never wanted to match with him. I laughed for about 10 minutes straight.

Other thoughts today - it is H-O-T my friends and brothers. The rambling self-indulgent post last night (what, you didn't read it??) must have done some good because I got quite a lot done today. Deposited my paychecks, grocery shopped, figured out (finally) the Beeler House Bill and Security Deposit Situation, spoke with no less than 3 of my possible employers (and now have an interview with the Brookstone store on Friday afternoon), e-mailed my resume to one of said employer possibilities and... let me check my list here... oh yes, mailed bills, took a shower and got dressed. Not in that order, of course. Why must I put those last two items on a to-do list? Well, I figured it prudent since it's not like I do those every day.

You think I'm kidding.

Wondering what to do for the various birthdays, both past and present. And I need to clean this apartment. After all, the least I can do since Laura's birthday week is marked by school stress, family stress and apartment stress is to combat our burgeoning fruit fly problem and sweep the floor.

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Life in-between

My life feels complicated right now. It's a good thing it doesn't include relationship complications or else I might be going insane. I'm glad for my forethought in avoiding such things.

The temp job I was working is in the awkward stage right now where I'm waiting for the people at work to go over my revisions. There's no point in me coming in until they do, but I can't start anything else until they finish the revisions and I come in to do the (hopefully) last round of revisions. So the job isn't over, I can't start a new one, and I'm not getting paid. Ouch.

In the meanwhile I keep trying to avoid life, as it makes me nervous. Bills I have to pay, debts I have to decrease, jobs I have to apply for, projects I need to work on. The apartment is a mess. We have no furniture to speak of and we've developed a fruit fly problem in the kitchen. My clothes are everywhere. I feel drained until 11 pm when I'm suddenly filled with energy, but of course it's too late to do anything outside and I'm afraid to do anything inside for fear of keeping up roommates/neighbors. Although I'm not sure if that's politeness or a convenient excuse. Also, I'm starting to get back on my night owl schedule, when for the last few weeks I had been practicing the relatively normal midnight/9am habit.

I know for a fact that there are better things for me to be doing, but I've developed (and cultivated, actually) this fatalistic view that whatever I'm doing, it can't possibly be the Right Thing, because the Right Thing would be to get a job. That is difficult enough in the sense that the job market blows goats currently, but also because the more time I spend away from school, considering every possible career choice, the more I realize I haven't a fucking clue what I want to do. Where should I look for a job? How should I approach it? I'm not sure what to rule out and what to launch myself at in desperation. I know that the odds are that I will find a completely random job and from there build a career that I probably can't foresee at the moment, but that in itself overwhelms me. I don't do well with blank canvases or projects without many limitations.

I was chatting with Amanda B. about her upcoming move to Sweden for grad school (she says a mass e-mail is forthcoming) and it got me wondering if I should be seriously considering some sort of graduate school (oh, wouldn't mom love that) or looking for a job overseas. What better time to do random work in another country? But I have no idea where to start, or even in what industry I should be looking. I told Amanda she was inspiring me and she told me 'the sky's the limit'. I told her that was the problem.

I feel like I'm in limbo, some post-graduate purgatory which I'm sure I'm sharing with many others. I don't even think of this apartment as permanent. Laura and I drove through different parts of Pittsburgh the other day and I saw the other little neighborhoods that I would kill to live in, just because of the feeling they gave me. Point Breeze. Mexican War Streets. It's not like I'm taking advantage of the fact that I live in Squirrel Hill, really. I never go outside; it's too expensive. I know that there are things I could be doing, productive, even enjoyable things, like reading under a tree or drawing in a graveyard (for some reason I am very attracted to Pittsburgh cemetaries as outdoor painting sites).

I am also becoming aware that I am 22 years old, out of college and 500 miles away from my family. I have a car, I have friends in this city, I have no job to wake up for in the morning. And I rarely ever go out to do things. Somewhere in the back of my consciousness I am aware that this is not normal. Not that abnormality has ever stopped me before, but I'm rather afraid of wasting away my youth in front of a computer.

This seems to be a constant pattern in my life - avoiding anything productive because I am avoiding what is important, and my guilt at avoiding what is important prevents me from either enjoying or accomplishing anything. One would think I would simply break down and do whatever it is that is important, but it seems that whenever I accomplish something, I merely have to move on to the next Important and Unpleasant Thing, until everything I am doing is unpleasant. There are times when I have no choice, like when I was in school. The Important things piled up too quickly, and there were deadlines. Ah, to have deadlines back. To have authority figures capable of rendering a silent gut-punch with their quiet disappointment if I failed to do something correctly. I have never been my own authority figure, and mothers 3 states away are easily avoided.

This problem, I feel, is the crux of all the difficulties in my life. I am beginning to realize that if I could solve this one problem of acting like a human instead of a cat, great things would happen. This obstacle seems insurmountable, but I feel as if paradise lies on the other side. Can you imagine all that I could accomplish, were I to cast aside my doubts and fears, face reality, ignore the call of inertia? I could pull myself up by my motherfucking bootstraps, that's what would happen, and I would conquer the world, or at least my part of it. I would have plans instead of daydreams. I would have accomplishments. I would have Something To Show For It. The idea is heady.

Sometimes I feel like the air is viscous, like the gravitational field that surrounds me is somehow heavier than anyone elses (all puns aside). I often feel that the floor is calling me, I must get low, I must be still and horizontal. Fighting against it constantly is draining and only makes it harder. I need some sort of crutch. Heretofore it's been another person to pull me off the rug and get me out the door. Is there something else that will work as effectively, something I can control, or at least access without the assistance of others?

I wonder what it could be that I am missing. Why am I so good at self-denial about everything else, but cannot avoid this indulgence of doing nothing at all? What is it that beckons, why can I not avoid it? All of the personal lectures and to-do lists and guilt trips are completely ineffectual. It's a wonder I do a damn thing at all. I have such a high threshold for boredom. And so little energy. How does everyone else do it? How can they accomplish everything without exhausting themselves?

I wonder if other people reading this (whoever that is) react with surprise or doubt that someone like me exists. It reminds me of when we read 'The Glass Menagerie' in 11th grade English. Some of the students couldn't understand why the girl (I forget her name, Clara? Laura?) acted as she did. They couldn't comprehend that people were so shy that they avoided social situations. My teacher had to explain that people are scared or terrified of leaving the comfort of what they know and interacting with strangers. I, of course, understood completely, and I in turn was shocked that others couldn't grasp the concept without help.

Is that what it all stems from? Social Anxiety? I know that I have it. Perhaps should even be medicated for it, although I hate to think that way I'd be curious to try and see if it actually did help. Could you imagine, feeling relaxed around people, with no awkwardness? of course, there are probably other, healthier ways of getting to that point, which in my paralyzing laziness I am also neglecting. Also the fear and paranoia. I don't like to leave my bedroom, I'm self conscious walking across our living room because there are no blinds on the back windows, and the people in the apartments across the way could watch me, if they wanted. I can only relax in the windowless kitchen and my bedroom cave. I don't like to be on edge in my own apartment.

Frankly, I don't even know what my problem is. I don't know exactly what I'm struggling with, what its source is. Perhaps if I knew that I would have a better idea of how to cure it, but as it is I am fighting with the symptoms, and they are rather amorphous. Its some sort of mental or physical poison, and here I am without so much as a medical dictionary, trying to treat myself as best I can.

And why do I complain about it so often? It's like I'm almost proud that I've gotten nothing done. Have I really changed so little from high school, still trying to adapt the slacker persona rather than the hard-working nerd (which, I found out my senior year, I hadn't shaken at all. Everyone thought I got straight As anyway, and all I was left with was bad grades). Is that what's stopping me? My instinctive reaction to accomplishment is to avoid it at all costs to avoid drawing attention and praise to myself? How is that possible when I yearn so much to get something done, as I said above? Maybe it's a pity-party. Oh, poor me, I can't accomplish anything, look at all of my good excuses. Meanwhile I loll about like a slug, complete with slime trail to the kitchen.

I don't know what to change. Is it my diet? Is there some vitamin I'm short of? Is it my lifestyle, or am I not using some mental technique that's out there... what am I doing wrong? How do I solve this? I'm so frustrated with myself it makes me sick. I don't want to have to fight myself with every action and thought. I don't want to fear doing every day fucking things or being myself or just doing what I need to get done.

Goddamn, I feel like I should be in Jim Cunningham's video from Donnie Darko. I AM A PRISONER OF FEAR. Do I get a gold star for making the declaration?

Christ. Enough of this self-indulgent bullshit. I doubt anyone read this far. If you're going to read any long-ass posts, read Ayako's, they're far more interesting. Off to chat with Ayako, go to bed, and then check at least 5 things off my fucking to-do list in the morning.

Thursday, July 10, 2003

Ow, my brain hurts


I just finished watching Donnie Darko with Carolyn. I am so out of it now. I'll probably end up watching it again before I return it on Monday, but I'll need some time to let that sink in first. I mean, it was ... amazing ... but it's also overwhelming.

It was a dark movie fest, these past couple of days. Yesterday was Brotherhood of the Wolf. I'm usually a fan of violent movies, but this one creeped my shit a little. I'm not sure what the big difference is between explosions/gunfire/impaling (because you know someone always gets impaled on something) and knives/people eaten by monsters/scary bone-n-chain weapon type of violence, but whatever it is I can't handle too many like that. Great action movie, though. And I admired the gothness of the corset wearing FREAK at the end.

Interesting photography exhibit at the Carnegie in the little gallery. Photographs by one photojournalist during the 40s-60s, covering black urban life in Pittsburgh (lots of Hill district stuff). Carolyn was my knowledgeable tour guide.

Cool cafe - Cafe Zinho. On Spahr street off of Ellsworth. There's no sign, but it's the one with the bright purple and yellow windows. Expensive but pretty cool. Bring a friend, pay the $2 split fee.

What the hell am I doing with my life?

Damn these introspective movies.

Monday, July 07, 2003

Happy birthday to my sisters

ghetto homemade birthday cards are all the rage

adorably annoying

When I got home today, there was no toilet paper left on the roll in our bathroom. No biggie, I get a new one from under the sink. However, I then glance down on the floor and see about 1/4 roll of toilet paper folded haphazardly on the floor, directly under the empty roll.

Cute kitty. *sigh*

My job is probably over tomorrow, but I got a call from a different temp agency saying they have a whole bunch of legal-type jobs for people with mad typing skillz including, perhaps, your oh-so-humble-narrator.

Got my first paycheck in the mail today. About $200 bucks but then I started in the middle of the week. It's something, but I want more. Money money money money. Preferably enough so that I can buy this, and enough to go to Frisco for Ayako's 23rd. Why does *everyone* have to be born this month? Tomorrow, my sisters turn 29 (damn we're old), next week it's Laura's 23rd, then Jeff's 20-somethingth, then Aya on the 30th. And me with no money! Highly embarrassing.

Oh, and a follow-up to the last post - I was editing that safety warning today and it included adding a note: "This procedure may be performed by one person when the need arises." Bwaahahahaha.

Thursday, July 03, 2003


My temp job is basically reformatting a whole bunch of safety documents for labs at US Steel, so there's a lot of instructions on how to work with certain factory machines. I was going through one particular document today and noticed it was giving instructions that required a 'top man' and a 'bottom man'. Instantly my mind plunged into the gutter and I began to read every instruction... differently than intended.

I started cracking up at this section (bold text is safety warning):

Check the progress of the bottom person. Do not introduce the charging tube into the charging hole until the bottom person is ready. When the bottom person is ready, place the charging tube into the charging hole. Communicate to the bottom person as to the alignment of the tube and make necessary changes if needed.

Ensure that the bottom person is fully aware that you are inserting the charging tube before doing so.

(...vaguely incindiary instructions about movement and discharging the load into the hole...)

Alert the bottom person before removing the charging tube. Once the bottom person has been properly alerted, remove the charging tube from the charging hole and store it in a safe place.


What can I say, the job is boring. I have to take entertainment where I can find it.

Oh, and the other day a couple of my co-workers caught a glimpse of some doodling I had done while waiting for files to upload. One of them asked why I hadn't gone into Art instead of Design. I began my usual answer, and then burst out laughing in the middle when I realized what I was saying:

"I thought I'd be more likely to get a job if I went into design."

Hoo-ah. That was rich.