Sunday, April 25, 2010

Too Much Coffee

I've been having trouble waking up at a decent time lately. My day didn't really get started today until nearly 4, at which time Matt and I did a coffeehouse tour of several Seattle neighborhoods. It was 8 o'clock by the time I drained the rest of my cold soy latte and headed home.

Joni was a little drunk on wine and in her cooking addict mode, so after baking a pastaless zucchini lasagna and mixing up egg salad sandwiches for her hike with Jami tomorrow, she made vegan chocolate chip cookies. I think I had about 6, some tortilla chips and a Mai Tai. We still have about 482 little umbrellas left so I'm trying to get more creative.

Suffice to say my intention to restart Weight Watchers isn't going well.

Went to a show this past Thursday. I've been listening to Erin McKeown for several years and really enjoy some of her songs but can get bored with others. Still, thought she'd be good live and tickets were cheap. Figured we'd be in the company of several lesbians given she's gay but didn't realize the first opener, Timmy Straw was a transman. Makes sense. Gorgeous voice, very talented, needs to vary his style to keep interest (in my decidedly inexpert opinion).

I knew all the hipsters were there for Emily Wells. They cleared out after her set, as predicted. But wow, major new artist for me. Total accidental discovery and I'm super happy about it. iTunes purchase the next day and no regrets so far. Can't believe she layered and mixed her violin (viola?), harmonized background vocals, electronic tones and drum beats right there on stage, then sang on top of it. And played guitar and ukulele too? Ah-mazing.

Erin was great, true professional rocker. Some of her stuff is still about 30 seconds too long for me, and could use some more variety/change-ups, but she's obviously doing fine as-is. Good on her.
Glad we got a chance to get out in the city. It's all well and good to brag about the music scene in Seattle over Pittsburgh and Charlotte, but then I'm twice as lame for not going.

Sleep isn't happening so I'm typing long-ass blog entries on the snozzberry and listening to The Deadly Snakes. So good. Some songs make my toes curl and eyes roll back. My luck they broke up a few years ago. God effing dammit.

I haven't been stupid drunk in a while and I kind of want to be. I wish you could guarantee full control of bodily functions but I suppose that's the chance you take. Ah well.

I need more of my bad decisions to include fun things. Lately all they contain is stress and recrimination. LAME. Eff that noise, it needs to change and soon.

Tomorrow: first new shoes in 3 years.