Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Good Tuesday night

Watching The Lost Boys and eating takeout Thai is a good time.

"My own brother, a goddamn, shit-sucking vampire!"

The hair, the clothes, the headbanging to saxophones, the terrible music and awkward sex scene. Amazing. And I'm so glad I survived the 80s and don't have to go through it again.

In other news, my next couple of crafty projects will come courtesy of Lifehacker, of course.

1. Turning pallets into backyard furniture. I fit 7 in my car yesterday and only dropped 2 on my toe! Win and fail.
2. Sprouting herb clippings in all the empty Mexican Coke bottles around the house.

Beyond that I'll be organizing the spice rack, fixing my PC and hacking my Wii. Why all these projects?

Well, I finished my contract, almost, and am soon to be unemployed. So I renew my job search, website design, business card design, cover letter writing and networking. My FAVORITE.

Maybe I should just steal one of these things and drive it around America confusing the hell out of transportation planners:

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I grew stuff!

Yukon gold and blush fingerling potatoes and sugar snap peas. Cookin' em up Cajun style, woooeee!

ETA: Cooked up veggie etouffee, watching True Blood. YEAH.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I write like Poe

I write like
Edgar Allan Poe

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

From the first page of my thesis. SWEET.