Monday, January 24, 2011

When coworking comes to town | New Urban Network

When coworking comes to town | New Urban Network

Interesting article about the emerging face of freelancing. I hadn't thought to tie it in to urbanism and Richard Florida, of all people, but I suppose it makes sense. His infamous creative class often doesn't work well within the confines of a standard office.

The only problem is, how about a co-working site that's a little more affordable? I guess we're stuck with cafés.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Rising waters threaten the coast of North Carolina -

Rising waters threaten the coast of North Carolina -

Perhaps I should send them my thesis? Judging by the comments, many of the caveats I put in still hold true. Massive amounts of government distrust, scientific disbelief and more interest in personal economic impacts than community would still prevent major changes having impacts anytime soon.

PLANPGH: What It Means for Pittsburgh

Next American City - PLANPGH: What It Means for Pittsburgh

Reading list. How do you write a comprehensive plan for a shrinking city that was built out a hundred years ago?

Mike is moving to San Diego. Erin is spending the next 5 months in India. Various of my friends now have permanent jobs instead of the contract, temp, part time or volunteer jobs they started with.

I need to figure my bidness out, and whether I'm staying in Seattle or not. HRRRRM.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

SPOILERS: Dexter's victims graphic

(click to embiggen)


(actual sauce)

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Reading list for the day (Hazard Mitigation flavor)

Two stories about hazard mitigation:

The first, lessons learned from "Snowpocalypse" in New York. Mayors take heed, people really hate it when you eff up snow removal, so make sure you support your emergency planners lest you get the ax the following November:

With more snow on the way, NYC shakes things up.

And what does the central California valley have in common with the Netherlands, and even more with pre-Katrina New Orleans? A hell of a lot, actually. (Note: this is an excellent article, and well worth the time to read it):

California's Delta Water Blues