Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It's hard not to fall in love with Pittsburgh

One day I'll go back. In the meantime, I'll just keep telling everyone how awesome it is.

Tightening the Rust Belt: How a Clevelander fell in love with Pittsburgh

Levitating Houses in Japan


Japanese Levitating House System Could Protect Homes From Earthquakes | Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World

'via Blog this'

'Storm of the century' may become 'storm of the decade'

Yep, this is just the beginning. People can no longer rely on their past experiences with weather, and what was safe before is now vulnerable (on the fringes, I mean).

'Storm of the century' may become 'storm of the decade':

'via Blog this'

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Amazing article on the need for government protection from disaster

Why climate change will make you love big government

There are a lot of great points and examples here that pretty much sum up my view of why small government for its own sake is a criminally stupid thing. Not that all programs are well-run or efficient, but some of them you just really shouldn't cut if you want America, its economy and its citizens to thrive.

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Insurance and climate change

Hey, maybe if the insurance industry is taking climate change into account, maybe governments and planners should too. Hmm?

U.S. Insurance Companies Must Now Get Serious About Assessing Climate Change Risks