Thursday, March 29, 2012

And yet there's hope

While we're preparing to survive the future, we can make the present more enjoyable, affordable and pleasant. Right up until we're driven underground or to an alternate planet. Hahaha I'm mostly kidding.

Nine low-tech steps for community resilience in a warming climate | Kaid Benfield's Blog | Switchboard, from NRDC:

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The climate change news lately is that we're totally screwed
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Monday, March 26, 2012

Welcome to the Anthropocene

Yep. I'm really glad that I read The Structure of Scientific Revolutions a couple of years ago. It's really helped me make sense of the science, the policy and the weird human behaviors regarding climate change.

Welcome to the Anthropocene | Grist

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Animal Abuse in Factory Farms is the Norm, Not the Exception

When people ask me why, this is why. (Well, a large part at any rate.)

You don't have to feel guilty if you do something about it, and that something doesn't have to be going veggie. Get the word out and think before you buy.

Animal Abuse in Factory Farms is the Norm, Not the Exception : TreeHugger

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

NYC to Build Green Playgrounds for Stormwater Capture

Great solution - not a waste of land, useful most of the time, no damage when flooding does occur.

NYC to Build Green Playgrounds for Stormwater Capture : TreeHugger:

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Thursday, March 01, 2012

MacGyver, Survivalist, or Stockpiler

Awesome: MacGyver, Survivalist, or Stockpiler: The Urban Survival Skills Everyone Should Know:

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If you must eat meat

This article sums up a lot of my feelings and thoughts about meat. Eat better quality, less often and use it all. If everyone could, it would solve so many problems. (Those who eat it at all, anyway.)

Every last bite: Why wasting animal protein is unethical