Saturday, September 29, 2012

Deadly connection: New report on extreme weather and climate change

You can't bitch about crazy weather events and then say nothing's happening. You can pretend it's not raining but you're still getting wet.

Deadly connection: New report on extreme weather and climate change 

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

New Study Shows 23 Nuclear Power Plants With 74 Reactors at High Risk from Tsunamis

New Study Shows 23 Nuclear Power Plants With 74 Reactors at High Risk from Tsunamis

It's amazing how people turn complete blind eyes to major risks like this, even with all the science and previous experience. People can convince themselves that anything is a good idea.

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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

US Nuclear Facilities Risk From Flooding Due to Dam Failure

US Nuclear Facilities at Greater Than Expected Risk From Flooding Due to Dam Failure: Whistleblower : TreeHugger:

It seems not counting dam failure as a hazard of concern is fairly common. Most non-commercial earthen dams (generally for livestock manure ponds, etc) are not even mapped, and are the most likely to fail. While it's unlikely they would be large enough to cause damage to a nuclear plant, other dams would be, and the track record on keeping dams going as long as possible (see: Elwha) is pretty... damning. (Sorry.)

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