Wednesday, January 22, 2014

How to shelter from fallout after a nuclear attack on your city

Fascinating, and a mix of terrifying and oddly reassuring. I suppose anyone in a city or near a military base or testing zone should probably add a list of potential fallout shelters to their emergency plans.

I'll have to think about this. My basement has windows.

How to shelter from fallout after a nuclear attack on your city:

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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Why it's a good idea to stop eating shrimp

Why it's a good idea to stop eating shrimp : TreeHugger:

Alternative for people with low willpower: start by eating less, or making it a tie-breaker when choosing between 2 menu items that sound good. Sometimes saying NEVER AGAIN can be overwhelming and overall does less good when people can't stick to it, whereas saying LESS is pretty doable.

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