Monday, February 07, 2011

Vegan Super Bowl Menu (Steelers!)

Well, it's a bit late now. Sorry Steelers, I guess you'll just have to be satisfied with SIX rings, for now.

I went a bit crazy pants with my food provisions.

Here was my menu:
  • Pigs-in-a-blanket served with HEINZ ketchup (eff yeah) and 4 kinds of mustards
  • Chips with a variety of salsas, including Steelers Black & Gold Salsa
  • Potato pierogies with caramelized onions and applesauce (from Vegan Brunch)
  • Crackers & TJ's hummus
Here's the recipe I'm using for the 'pigs':
V e g a n D a d: Vegan Bratwurst

But I changed a couple of things:
subbed 1/4 cup chickpea flour, plus some liquid, instead of mashing beans
instead of grinding dried mushrooms, buy some freaking mushroom powder, what a pain

I simmered them in a pan in some beer before I cut them into thirds and wrapped each piece in crescent roll dough (2 tubes). Baked at 425 for 20 minutes (check at 15, mine were a little burnt/dry). Next time I might aim for a Kielbasa center instead.

I got some black and yellow chips to mix together and serve with Black and Gold Steeler Salsa:

Black and Gold Steeler Salsa

1-1/4 cup Black Beans
1-1/2 cup Yellow Corn, thawed
1/2 cup Red Bell Pepper, finely chopped
1 Jalapeno Pepper, minced (optional) (I used a can of diced green chilies and a few shakes of Tabasco)
1/2 cup Balsamic Vinegar (I did more like 1/4 cup)
1/3 cup Virgin Olive Oil
1/2 tsp. Dijon Mustard
Salt & Pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients and let marinate at least 1 hour before serving.

Friday, February 04, 2011

Pine Ridge Rising: Community-Based Development Project Gets Underway

Stephanie Woodard: Pine Ridge Rising: Community-Based Development Project Gets Underway

Sounds interesting - perhaps they can benefit in some similar ways as Tulalip, combining land leasing/ownership with shopping, tourism, or some similar model. Glad it's being done from the bottom up instead of the other way around.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Lifehacker, tips and downloads for getting things done

Lifehacker, tips and downloads for getting things done

Good to know! Now I just have to figure out if I have a UPS. I don't think I do. Maybe I should get one?

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

12 Post-Apocalypse Floating Cities and Homes: From Crazy Concepts to Reality : TreeHugger

12 Post-Apocalypse Floating Cities and Homes: From Crazy Concepts to Reality : TreeHugger

A few of these concepts are super interesting and may have some merit; a lot of them just seem like they're asking for trouble.

I like the idea of water-based communities, though. The floating homes in Seattle seem to work fairly well in that regard.