Monday, February 07, 2011

Vegan Super Bowl Menu (Steelers!)

Well, it's a bit late now. Sorry Steelers, I guess you'll just have to be satisfied with SIX rings, for now.

I went a bit crazy pants with my food provisions.

Here was my menu:
  • Pigs-in-a-blanket served with HEINZ ketchup (eff yeah) and 4 kinds of mustards
  • Chips with a variety of salsas, including Steelers Black & Gold Salsa
  • Potato pierogies with caramelized onions and applesauce (from Vegan Brunch)
  • Crackers & TJ's hummus
Here's the recipe I'm using for the 'pigs':
V e g a n D a d: Vegan Bratwurst

But I changed a couple of things:
subbed 1/4 cup chickpea flour, plus some liquid, instead of mashing beans
instead of grinding dried mushrooms, buy some freaking mushroom powder, what a pain

I simmered them in a pan in some beer before I cut them into thirds and wrapped each piece in crescent roll dough (2 tubes). Baked at 425 for 20 minutes (check at 15, mine were a little burnt/dry). Next time I might aim for a Kielbasa center instead.

I got some black and yellow chips to mix together and serve with Black and Gold Steeler Salsa:

Black and Gold Steeler Salsa

1-1/4 cup Black Beans
1-1/2 cup Yellow Corn, thawed
1/2 cup Red Bell Pepper, finely chopped
1 Jalapeno Pepper, minced (optional) (I used a can of diced green chilies and a few shakes of Tabasco)
1/2 cup Balsamic Vinegar (I did more like 1/4 cup)
1/3 cup Virgin Olive Oil
1/2 tsp. Dijon Mustard
Salt & Pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients and let marinate at least 1 hour before serving.

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