Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Working Best at Coffee Shops - Conor Friedersdorf - Business - The Atlantic

Working Best at Coffee Shops - Conor Friedersdorf - Business - The Atlantic

I've noted this before. Coffeeshops have just enough distraction and noise that I'm forced to blare music over headphones and really focus. I can crank out so much in a short amount of time.

Plus I can't procrastinate as easily. I'm never sure if my internet browsing or Google reader feed will serve up something embarrassing, risque or NSFW that others might glimpse and judge me by. I'm also not about to watch a TV show instead of working.

Matt swears he can only work in libraries sometimes. I think it may also have something to do with always working with music in the background. I can't work in silence. It drives me crazy. I'm hyperaware of every sound I make, every click of my keyboard. Each minor change in the environment pulls me out of my focus. At a noisy coffeeshop full of banging portafilters and music and people laughing, I'm in my focus until someone specifically grabs my attention. Either that or until I'm out of coffee and go to drink an empty cup several times. That's how deep in I am.

On an unrelated note, it's a beautiful sunny day. I know I shouldn't garden because I'll be doing some of that the next couple of days, but damn, I want to go play in the dirt.

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