Thursday, November 15, 2012

New New Amsterdam

The gates by themselves won't solve everything, but for infrastructure or settlements that are too expensive/delicate/sacred to move, the gates could be one of the solutions. Sandbars or barrier islands are a good idea but the currents would have to be carefully studied/estimated to see if they would turn into walking islands, or how they would affect the current ocean movements. In the wrong place, or wrong angle, they could just disappear a few years after they were created. Properly placed they could be a benefit in more ways than one.

For the rest of the coast, however, setbacks have to be enforced and, for starters, politicians have to agree to accept scientific predictions based on current data, regardless of an individual's stance on anthropogenic climate change.

This would not be a small, easy or cheap fix, but it is likely necessary unless New York and New Jersey wants a repeat performance (whether from a hurricane, tropical storm, or a Nor'easter).

New New Amsterdam: Should New York Do Like the Dutch and Build Some Skyscraper-Sized Sea Gates? | Observer:

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