Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Baba Yaga House!!

I was thinking the other day about the dilemma that people want their beach houses to be close to the water, except when there's a storm/hurricane. If only we could make some Baba Yaga houses, I thought.

Here it is! This is perfect. Set up your vacation house right on the beach, move it back into the village during the off-season or during storms. Of course, traffic might be an issue if there are hundreds of these homes all walking to the beach on the first nice day of the season. What a hilarious sight that would be, though.

N55’s Walking House is a Modular, Self-Sufficient Dwelling For Modern Nomads: N55, The Walking House, Denmark, Danish design, solar panels, micro windmills, rainwater collection, sci-fi, Buckminster Fuller, self-sufficient, walking house, Architecture, Art, Renewable Energy, energy efficiency, N55, The Walking House, Denmark, Danish design, solar panels, micro windmills, rainwater collection, sci-fi, Buckminster Fuller, self-sufficient, walking house, Architecture, Art, Renewable Energy, energy efficiency, N55, The Walking House, Denmark, Danish design, solar panels, micro windmills, rainwater collection, sci-fi, Buckminster Fuller, self-sufficient, walking house, Architecture, Art, Renewable Energy, energy efficiency, N55, The Walking House, Denmark, Danish design, solar panels, micro windmills, rainwater collection, sci-fi, Buckminster Fuller, self-sufficient, walking house, Architecture, Art, Renewable Energy, energy efficiency, N55, The Walking House, Denmark, Danish design, solar panels, micro windmills, rainwater collection, sci-fi, Buckminster Fuller, self-sufficient, walking house, Architecture, Art, Renewable Energy, energy efficiency, N55, The Walking House, Denmark, Danish design, solar panels, micro windmills, rainwater collection, sci-fi, Buckminster Fuller, self-sufficient, walking house, Architecture, Art, Renewable Energy, energy efficiency, N55, The Walking House, Denmark, Danish design, solar panels, micro windmills, rainwater collection, sci-fi, Buckminster Fuller, self-sufficient, walking house, Architecture, Art, Renewable Energy, energy efficiency,

Read the rest of N55’s Walking House is a Modular, Self-Sufficient Dwelling For Modern Nomads

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