Monday, August 02, 2010

Epic craft project in my mind

We've got 3 (THREE!) cats and no big climby thing. This seems silly. It also seems silly to pay $80-$200 for what's basically scrap wood with some carpet glued to it.

I'm trying to conceptualize something that would be so awesomely nerdy it would manage to eclipse its own lameness. The kind of thing that, were I male, would set me up for unending teasing about how I would never know the touch of a woman, but if done right might even gather some admirers on the interwebs (IMPORTANT).

Cat Minas Tirith.

Bear with me here. I think it can be done, the question is how well can it be done. I want this to look freaking sweet, yes, but I also want it to make the cats happy in a way that also doesn't make them destroy the part I worked hard on.

So far I'm trying to come up with creative uses of carpet. And also, Cat-Toy-Steward-of-Gondor on a string, dangling off the precipice for the Nazgûl cats to play with. Nyyeeah?

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