Saturday, August 07, 2010

Soul sister

The internet has kindly shared a couple of posts from Hyperbole and a Half with me, and I feel a kinship towards the creator. Mainly because she makes things like this:

The rest of that post could have been written by me, basically.

Sometimes when I write lately I put in completely the wrong word. It's very strange, and I don't recall it happening until recently. I've decided either I'm dying of brain cancer OR I have some sort of severe vitamin deficiency. The latter is more likely but less interesting. Maybe it's both.

At the moment it's a shitty, rainy day in Seattle (shut up) so naturally my neighbors have decided to have a raucous outdoor party. It might be a barbecue? I don't want to look and risk eye contact and seem like I'm being prudish or something (I'm wearing a cardigan, that will be their first thought). I just know they're screaming a lot and have been for hours. I realized that perhaps the reason that their kids are always screaming isn't because all kids do that, but because the parents also think it's normal to yell constantly if you're in a group. Or maybe they've just been blind drunk since noon. Likely.

I'm still pretty sure all kids scream constantly while playing, though. Like engines on motorcycles.

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