Thursday, September 02, 2010

Hurricane Katrina reading material

So, it's been 5 years. I still remember the way the room changed when we found out a classmate was a Katrina evacuee, who didn't plan on moving back home anytime soon. He hadn't even visited since it had happened. This was June of 2007, so less than 2 years later. It was still something raw and terrible to us, and I wasn't even directly affected. I imagine for those who were, it's still terrible, but less raw and more survivable. For the rest of us, I think it's regret, pity, shame, and still a little bit of incomprehensible horror.

Anyway, here are 2 "what now" articles about Katrina that caught my eye, in particular:

What would happen if another Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans today? -

Sewage As Hurricane Protection? New Orleans Could Use It To Regrow Wetlands : TreeHugger

The Banks are in for a wallop with Earl, although hopefully not a direct hit. There could still be some major damage, and I hope people are overly cautious about evacuating. Oh barrier islands, and your idiosyncratic inhabitants. What a consternation you are for emergency managers.

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