Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Projects and goals for the next year

I start working tomorrow as a contractor at Google. Due to the non-disclosure agreement I signed the other day that's as much as I can say about that.

It is nice to know that I can do things like make plans in advance, go to the doctor, pay bills on time, etc.

I've been thinking about what to do with my spare time now that it's not taken up with guilt over work that I should be doing, or looking for a job.

Here's what I've come up with so far:
-Renewing my German, which I have let languish lo these 10 years.
-Cooking more! Lunch is free so I can put in more effort when I get home.
-Gardening! I'm excited to sit down and make a garden plan. It's time already to start some from seed.
-Art! Burlesque figure drawing is becoming a monthly thing with Nicole, which I'm greatly enjoying, though I need to do more in between.
-Either taking some classes or doing videos/games to get more in shape. Luckily there's a good walking trail for use at work.
-Working on some mental issues - more confidence, less anxiety.
-New glasses, finally. It's been about six years I think. Various other medical condition checkups.
-Pay off debts. It's looking likely that bankruptcy will be the best way to go.
-Online courses. FEMA has several, MIT has 1500 (!) and the EPA had some as well.
-Volunteering. Now that my own bills are paid I can get out there and do stuff.
-Craft projects. I have some that have been stopped midway for years.
-Learning new skills. I've been wanting to get into either embroidery or cross stitch, plus I'd like to try carving with my new Dremel.
-Fixing bad habits. Or at least starting good ones-it's difficult when you don't have a schedule. Now I do!
-Catching up with people. Whenever my life isn't going well I tend to stop talking to new friends, distant friends or anyone I haven't caught up with in a while because I don't want to dump my problems on them or whine the whole time.

I'm sure I'll add to this list. I'm also sure I'll probably spends most of my free time paying video games, messing around on the webs, or watching Netflix instant, but at least I have ideas for when I start feeling antsy.

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