Thursday, January 19, 2012

Snow Day

You would think I'd learn by now to copy anything I write. I spent half an hour obsessively describing how to replicate the Shepherd's Pie I made this afternoon, and when I went to save it my router had crashed and I lost the post. Then again, my computer shut down without warning shortly after, so even if I had copied I probably would have lost it anyway.

The recipe was convoluted so I don't know that it's really worth saving.

Snow day here in Seattle is lovely. Unfortunately it's dry, powdery snow - a few inches piled onto a thin sheet of crackly ice, which is over a few inches of more powdery snow - so it's no good for sculpting. That's usually what I do on snow days, take pictures and make snow sculptures, which never turn out nearly as grandiose as I planned.

Here's something badass: so I have this goldfish that's been living in the rain barrel that my landlady installed to prevent our basement from flooding. It catches the runoff from the roof and drains into the backyard through a hose. When the water's flowing it all works nicely, but in the summer when it only rains every few weeks it becomes a mosquito breeding ground. A pond goldfish is a great, low-maintenance, chemical-free solution. Goldfish pee is also rich in nitrogen, which is great for your plants.

I've been worried about Jenny, our fish, in all this cold. Yet every time I check, she's still swimming around happily. I just went out and stomped around taking pictures with my nose (had gloves on, touchscreen is heat sensitive) and checked the rain barrel. The spigot and/or hose is too frozen to drain. This will become an issue fairly soon and I have no idea how to solve it. It's three-quarters full, instead of only a few inches, and most of that is chunks of ice and slurry. I stirred through with a bamboo stick to make sure it wasn't a complete sheet of ice, so that oxygen can get to Jenny, and there she was at the bottom, swimming around happily. Amazing. What a badass fish.

I'm off to build a fire and then try to earn some cash from this work-at-home job. It's Leapforce, Search Engine Evaluating. If anyone's looking to see if it's a scam, it's not. It's legit. If you only put in a couple of hours, it'll take a few weeks to get paid, but the more hours you put in, the faster your deposit is made. Also make sure you track your hours carefully. I'd use a software or an Excel spreadsheet.

Let's see how far I get before my PC shuts down. Once I start the contract at Google, I need to pay back all of my friends for lending me money during my 4 month unemployment, pay 2 months rent, then save up enough to get my Macbook fixed. But nevermind all that. I start work at the end of the month and it's snowing out. Lovely!

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